Prime Time

American Experience covers the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire.  New House.  Some other premiers not worth remarking on.

Everyone who drinks is not a poet. Maybe some of us drink because we’re not poets.

I’ve taken the liberty of anticipating your condition. I have brought you orange juice, coffee, and aspirins. Or do you need to throw up?


I can’t believe we’re paying to see something we get on TV for free! If you ask me, everybody in this theater is a giant sucker! Especially you!

Dave hosts Brian Williams (ugh), Trey Parker and Matt Stone (double ugh), and Zac Brown Band.  Jon has Howard Stern, Stephen Michael Scheuer.  Alton does Popovers and Meat Pie.  Conan hosts Marisa Tomei, Harland Williams, and Fitz & the Tantrums.

Hello. I’m Tom Hanks. The US Government has lost its credibility, so it’s borrowing some of mine.

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