Prime Time

Ok, so the Rangers actually won a game and tonight we’re going to have to find something to watch other than Bush pere et filles throwing up out the ceremonial first pitch which you know Faux and Fiends will drag out as long as they can.  We’ll talk more about that later.

In the mean time the Giants are still in the catbird seat, they don’t have to win a single game in Arlington so it’s all gravy.  Both teams have decided to pitch their Aces only twice, not on short rest (a big mistake I think), so tonight’s matchup is Bumgarner and Hunter.  They are, at best, the fourth best pitchers on each team.  I maintain my prediction of a Pitchers’ Duel because it doesn’t cost me anything except my pride and surely one will turn up some time.  Besides, I don’t want to raise your expectations of excitement.  Baseball is a game of patience and one of the things that makes the games longer during the Playoffs is that the batters start doing what they should be doing all season- taking more pitches.

So don’t worry about answering your door for the Trick or Treaters, you probably won’t be missing anything important.

Oh, things you can watch while the Bushes are on camera, there are the Steelers @ the Who Dats and The Amazing Race, also-


I always figured it was talent made a man big, you know, if I was the best at something. I mean, we’re the guys they come to see. Without us, there ain’t a ballgame. Yeah, but look at who’s holding the money and look at who’s facing a jail cell. Talent don’t mean nothing. And where’s Comiskey and Sullivan, Attell, Rothstein? Out in the back room cutting up profits, that’s where. That’s the damn conspiracy.

Look, champ. I know guys like that. I grew up with them. I was the fat kid they wouldn’t let play. “Sit down, fat boy”. That’s what they’d say “Sit down, maybe you’ll learn something.” Well, I learned something alright. Pretty soon, I owned the game, and those guys I grew up with come to me with their hats in their hands. Tell me, champ, all those years of puggin’, how much money did you make?

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  1. Bottom 5th.

  2. is his costume

    1. Me?  I don’t like blood or other body fluids.

      Now an honorary DFA…

  3. May have pulled his oblique over extending. That may end him for the rest of the series

  4. Seemed like a long time so I got something to eat.

  5. Lavender shirt & matching striped tie. Did this guy expect to be on camera?  

  6. is doing pistachio commercials?


    Our elite are idiots.

  7. Shit.  I’ll have to be efficient.

  8. We now average 100+ visits a day.

  9. and Southern first name has a DU and strikes out

  10. with a red Texas t-shirt clapping. That’s his costume? Taxas lacks imagination

  11. in a red t-shirt

    1. nice to see them rolling in the dirt

  12. Renteria scores and Torres to 2nd

  13. I recommend Family Guy.

  14. passable

    1. I don’t know, but Doofenschmirtz’s Dad wears a helmet with one deer antler and one bull horn.

  15. Nearly a no hitter.

    7th inning, 76 pitches.

  16. 1 on 1 out.

  17. needs to ditch or or trim it to a goatee.

    1. I get that, but I’m aiming for the younger crowd.

  18. 2 on 2 out.

  19. 2 TX runners on

    1. I blew it because I couldn’t believe it was as old as 1962.

      1. there are a lot of parallels.

    1. Just had to explain the 120 yr old part

  20. I think that is the 2nd broken bat.

    Sorry I’ll try tokeep better track of DU’s & BB’s tomorrow

  21. Who do we know in Greece

  22. 4 zip Giants.

  23. To make up 4 runs.

  24. That’s deeper than most.

    1. “Whoever wins this game wins the Series”.



      1. Thanks for the tips BTW.

  25.  to close it out

  26. Does Bumgarner get the complete game?

    There was action in the bullpen.

  27. “Two wins from destiny”

Load more

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