Club Rules

My particular family is the Corleones, not as big and powerful as the Barzinis, but respected because we believe and practice the old ways.

Not that we don’t have our problems.  A while back we had 2 consecutive bad leaders.  The first one stopped running the business and played favorites so we threatened them with impeachment and they had the good grace to resign.

The second one ran the business but stole from it, which is not acceptable, so we had Tom Hagen explain to them just what would happen in prison.

After this we took a long hard look at our procedures for changing leadership and decided on some new ones.

The Don can be voted out at any meeting of the capos by a simple majority.  The reasoning behind that is if you’re so unpopular that people want to get rid of you, and you’re too stupid to realize that and make sure you have a majority at the meeting…

Well, then you’re just too stupid to be Don.

Consider this a parable.

(inspired by paradox @ The Left Coaster)


  1. Opinions on who is at fault for the raucous Democratic base strife are completely irrelevant. The fact squarely and immensely obviously remains the Obama administration didn’t have the skills to keep their own Party cohesive, it’s immensely disturbing to watch and engenders enormous distrust.

    Again, if continual losses like Tuesday are your gig then go ahead and blame the base for it. It’s the leadership responsibility to keep cohesion, learn it or lose, voters won’t trust a leader who-hello?-can’t lead his own team.

  2. If it weren’t for her and the Teahadists, there would have been four more Republican Senators in CO. WV, MD and NV and the Democrats would have lost the Senate, too.

    Obama may be from Chicago but never learned the art of street fighting. Politics is a street fight. The street is owned by whoever fights dirtiest with the dirtiest tactics.  

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