(4 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma
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Many Democrats are quite upset that the intrusive personal body searches by the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) at the nation’s many airports infringe upon their civil rights and as evidenced by a plethora of diaries in recent days on Daily Kos may be, in some cases, outright illegal in nature. Undoubtedly some Republicans and independents feel this way too.
As Jones points out, however, there are probably a number of Republicans who feel outraged only because these transgressions are taking place under the authority of a federal agency accountable to a Democratic Administration. It isn’t much more complicated than that. Period
Don’t Touch My Junk
Everyone’s jumping on the TSA about how aggressive they are in their security measures. I think it’s funny a lot of conservatives are complaining about it. These are the same people who said profiling was for the safety of our nation. I suspect if a Republican was in the White House then we wouldn’t be hearing these people complain about advanced security measures.
Funny story, kinda. Once in line in Baltimore I was being patted down and I said to the guy “so, ya gonna call me tomorrow?” He stopped very suddenly and said “what’s that supposed to mean?” I was like “uh…it was a joke.” And he said “we don’t joke with security.” I kept my mouth shut after that as I was afraid they might wanna “search” me further in a private room.
Personally, I’m grateful “don’t touch my junk” is now a part of American terminology. I’m also grateful I didn’t have to explain the definition of “junk” to my editor today.
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Airport Pat-Downer by Bruce Plante, see reader comments in Tulsa World, Buy this cartoon
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1. Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places
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As Johnny Lee once asked in a song, have you been looking for love in all the wrong places so far? If so, Crowe has some advice for you. You’ll never know where you might find the love of your life!
A Few Good Perverts
Do you keep getting turned down for jobs because you’re a little on the pervy side? Good news. You could have a career opportunity with the Transportation Security Administration.
If you’re flying these days you could be taking your life and body into a stranger’s own hands. The new security system at airports could expose you to a full body scan or, if you prefer, a good groping. Hubba hubba. If you haven’t had any action lately, you might wanna book a flight. It ain’t as romantic as it seems. They don’t have time to take everybody out dining and dancing before-hand. And besides, put yourselves in a TSA worker’s place. How many people have you seen running around airports that you would really like to get all touchy and priesty with?
OK, never mind. Wrong crowd. You’re all thinking about that a little too seriously, you creeps. Not everybody’s a pervert at the TSA. Just the ones who enjoy their job. And it is a job. They’re just doing the best they can to thwart terrorist attempts.
At least the TSA fella in this cartoon is an old school romantic. He figures if he’s gonna feel you up he should at least bring flowers and some nice bubbly to set the mood.
Unfortunately, the lady pictured here has put a higher price tag on her privates. If you’re gonna grab Granny’s junk, you’re gonna have to bring the treasure.
Airport Security Checkpoint Choices by Chris Britt, Comics.com, see reader comments in the State Journal-Register (Springfield, IL)
Patrick Chappatte, International Herald Tribune, Buy this cartoon
Marshall Ramsey, Comics.com (Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, MS)
John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Buy this cartoon
Chip Bok, Comics.com
Cam Cardow, Ottawa Citizen, Buy this cartoon
Bob Gorrell, Nationally Syndicated Cartoonist, Buy this cartoon
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2. Gonna Fly Now
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Many people refuse to fly not because of the humiliation they might experience while checking in at airports and undergoing outrageous security procedures. They may be genuinely afraid to do so. Are you afraid to fly as Englehart seems to be now? If so, you aren’t the only one
Full-Body Scanners
Today’s cartoon was inspired in spite of the fact I haven’t flown since the full-body scanners came into play. I used to fly to Fort Wayne, Indiana every year to play golf with my dad and visit with my brothers, but this year I drove. It was a pleasant drive, didn’t push myself, spent a night in a nice motel with a pool, and didn’t feel violated by the TSA. I’ll continue to do that until it becomes completely impractical to drive, such as a longer trip to the left coast.
I’ve come full circle about flying. In the beginning, I hated it. I was scared to death the plane would crash. I used to pray that the plane in front of us would crash on takeoff because the odds would be impossible that two planes in a row would crash. I’d drink myself into a stupor to get on a plane, even if it was a morning flight.
Eventually, I came to understand that when it’s your time to go, there’s nothing you can do about it. I became aware of news stories about people doing ordinary things who died, or were killed. I became philosophical about flying and grew to enjoy it even to the point I could sleep on the plane.
Now, I’m back to hating flying again.
Steve Kelley, New Orleans Times-Picayune, Buy this cartoon
Is That A Bomb In Your Pants? by John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Buy this cartoon
Steve Breen, Comics.com (San Diego Union-Tribune)
Airport Insecurity by John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Buy this cartoon
Gary Markstein, Comics.com (Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel)
Bruce Beattie, Comics.com (Daytona Beach News-Journal)
Body Scanner Images by Jimmy Margulies, New Jersey Record, Buy this cartoon
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3. Missing You
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Rogers seems to be channeling Ben Franklin who famously said once, “Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither”
TSA Agent
Airport security has taken on a new urgency with revealing body scans and aggressive pat-downs. I am all for tighter security, but at what point do our personal civil liberties get tossed out along with our unapproved liquids? Hard to say, but I hope the Transportation Security Administration can strike a balance.
Full Body Scan Centerfolds by Jim Day, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Buy this cartoon
Body Searches by Dave Granlund, Politicalcartoons.com, Buy this cartoon
Airport Body Scans by Jimmy Margulies, New Jersey Record, Buy this cartoon
Jerry Holbert, Comics.com (Boston Herald)
Mike Luckovich, Comics.com (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
TSA Security Measures by Mike Keefe, Denver Post, Buy this cartoon
Turkey Security by David Fitzsimmons, Arizona Star, Buy this cartoon
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Closing Thoughts
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There are another 15-20 editorial cartoons posted in the comments section of this diary that I posted over at Daily Kos. Take a look at them.
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… outgoing Florida Governor Charlie Crist is hoping to pardon Jim Morrison of The Doors for an 1969 indecency charge
Bruce Beattie, Comics.com (Daytona Beach News-Journal)
Have a safe Thanksgiving, everyone.
Tips and the like here. Thanks. 
Steve Sack, Comics.com (Minneapolis Star-Tribune)
with this whole matter of intrusive pat downs and exposing people unnecessarily to ineffective radiation searches. First, not one of the people that were carrying explosives or the flights where explosives were found aboard the planes originated in the United States. They were international flights. Second, not one of the 9/11 hijackers was armed or carrying explosives that would have been detected by any of the so-called security devices now in use.
We are sacrificing our freedoms and rights because of fear. My favorite patriot, Founding Father, Ben Franklin said it best,
loved the TSA Edition of Playboy, the new mother’s advise and bedroom role playing. I also liked everyone with the Statue of Liberty in them.
Nothing like ineffective stimulus going to “A Few Good Perverts” for ineffective intrusions that makes Americans guilty before being proven innocent.