Big Balloon Parade!

Last Sunday at noon, 18 Helium Balloons in the shape of familiar and popular cartoon characters stepped off at the intersection of Hoyt and Summers for their 17th annual appearance.

The tallest balloon, Popeye, stands a whopping 65 feet and this year 2 new balloons were added, Fred Flintstone and Scooby Doo.

Over 100 volunteers assist at the event as balloon handlers and Parade Marshals and it’s organized by a permanent steering committee of 3 and sponsored by UBS.  This year’s Grand Marshal was John Starks, formerly of the Knicks and the Master of Ceremonies Alan Kalter of Late Night with David Letterman.

It was quite a spectacular sight and I bet you’re sorry you missed it because there’s just no better way to feel that Master of the Universe consumerist buying spirit of the 4th Quarter than standing in the Hedge Funded Concrete Canyons of downtown Stamford Connecticut and…

You say there’s another Balloon Parade?  In New York City?  And it’s on TV?

Then why was I freezing my ass off… oh, never mind.

Coverage of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade starts at 9 am on CBS (which is a little up route so you see things first) and NBC (which covers the lame lip syncing at Herald Square).

Liveblogging below.


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  1. Kanye West could employ all the #99’ers with that gold he is wearing

  2. Turkey’s in. Potato and stuffing in at 1245. So far so good.

    1. Going with pasta or just eggplant?

    1. without Pizza? Thanksgiving. ugh

  3. a song about ADD

    1. It holds together better when serving.  

  4. 3rd year.

  5. We all fall down. Thank you for helping us get up.

    Now bring the jobs back to America

    1. they are at different locations?

  6. Recycling all the 60’s and 70’s stuff

  7. Computer hogging down, had to reboot.

    1. less FCC fines later.

  8. coming up

  9. It’s one from Eddie C’s pictures

  10. Macy’s Great American Marching Band.

    Didn’t Mc Donalds used to pay for this?

    1. your photos.  

  11. no Here Comes Santa Claus

  12. 18 floats, 12 Marching Bands…

    And Santa.

    Patriots @ Lions in 15 minutes.

    Think I’ll take a nap.

    1. We’ve pretty much made it up as we go along.

  13. I am off to the shower and my walk. I’ll be back for another live blog a little later.

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