The Daily/Nightly Show (I am the Slime)

Miles Thompson

Tonight’s topic is “Creative ways to execute Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.”  The Panelists are Dan Soder, Keith Robinson, and Alex Wagner.

I don’t know who thought this was funny, or appropriate, days after the conviction and right before the Boston Marathon but they were wrong and should be fired.

Yeah, that includes you Larry and you too Jon if your production company approved it.

This is an Islamophobic media lynching.  Don’t believe me?  Look at the guests- two shock comics one of whom earned their stripes on the Homophobic, Racist, Opus and Anthony show and still appears as a regular, and a “Lean Forward” DLC Operative scum sucking corporatist shill correspondent on the Faux Liberal news network MSNBC.

As angry as I am at Dick Cheney and W who are self admited war criminals who deserve to be mentioned in the same breath with Hitler I have never, ever advocated their execution.

Let them rot in Spandau.

Moreover there are many, many unanswered questions about the Boston Marathon Bomb Plot including but not limited to why did the FBI and DHS ignore Tamerlan after labeling him a terrorist?  Why did the FBI execute Tamerlan’s best friend during an interrogation?  Who made the bombs?  The governments story about these issues is as leaky as their case against Bruce Edwards Ivins in the anthrax attacks.

And we know the government lies about these things, just as Police testalie all the time to convict people of color.

Wake up and smell the coffee Larry!

I don’t know if I’ll even bother watching.  I’m disgusted with you Larry that you ever let this air.  You’re deluded or hypocritical, take your pick.


Not African Enough For You?

The Daily Show Needs An African American Woman Host

This week’s guests-

One can only hope Jon is really, really funny tonight because Fareed Zakaria is another corporatist warhawk who only seems good by comparison with the other buckets of slime that ooze from cable news.

Adam Horovitz’s web exclusive extended video and the real news below.

Adam Horovitz


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  1. What morons.

  2. This is a trial in a state that has outlawed the death penalty.

  3. This panel is so revenge hungry they are in favor of torturing before killing the guy. How Christian of them. But beating a dead horse will make that horse never think of dying again. That’ll show em.

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