The Daily Late Nightly Show (The Other Donald)

The New Guy


Trevor’s guests this week are-

Mr. Continuity

Her Again.

Larry’s panelists this week are-

Thursday is yet to be announced.

Mr. Mainstream

Stephen’s guests this week-

Friday will be a repeat.


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  1. Vent Hole

  2. We race

  3. 2016

  4. Fiorina NSF kids.

  5. Fiorina’s other problem is the body parts story just got its fabricators arrested.

  6. Jeb!

    1. New slogan. ” Oh come on. “

  7. Ronnie Cheng- same sex marriage

  8. He’s not my son. He’s my lover. Say the gay lovers wiho only wanted to have some legitimacy

  9. Good Luck, Nino and Drew

  10. MOZ

  11. MOZ: Cape May, NJ getting screwed by Mother Nature

  12. Larry! Larry! LARRY!!!

  13. Jonas

  14. Storm Jonas is my fault because I was suppose to move into my new digs

  15. tRump hates Sikhs

  16. Trump

  17. tRump surrounds himself with racists

  18. tRump Troll Doll trolls Larry

  19. The coors commercial was odd. I thought the owners believed the world was only six thousand years old.

  20. National Review

  21. Rand Paul

    1. Now safe in republicans to call Trump an orange faced narcissist but you still can’t call Cruz a dick.

  22. Rand Paul was on with Chris Hayes earlier making too much sense on Foreign Policy

  23. Paul is pro-prison reform; thinks government should stay out of your life except if you’re a woman seeking or needing an abortion

  24. 5 minutes till weak tea.

  25. He doesn’t have any voters on 5th Avenue? You’d think there was a small chance he might accidentally shoot one of his supporters.

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