The Daily Late Nightly Show (This is called Gravity!)

Well, what could top the drama and excitment that is the Republican Debate?

The New Guy

Trump v. Kelly (Trump Wins)

Trump is not afraid of Kelly. Or Faux Noise. Or Ailes. Or the Republican Party.

And that’s why people love him, because they hate them also (and the Mexicans, Muslims, and the Irish).

Trevor’s guest tonight is Ryan Lizza. He’s pretty Establishment as you can see if you click on the link. Expect him to support Hillary, the Neolib’s only and last chance.

Mr. Continuity

Is There Any Question?

Larry’s panelist tonight is Nicole Byer

Mr. Mainstream

Stephen’s remaining guests-

Erin Brockovich exposed the same kind of crap the Rick Snyder did to Flint. Well, I have family there and I want his testicles on a spit. Not that I’d eat them mind you, my doctors have warned against sweetbreads.

Friday will be a repeat. I may have some Trevor ‘Between The Scenes’ Web Exclusives for your amusement, depends how tired I am.


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  1. Vent Hole

  2. We race

  3. White Michael Jackson

  4. Trump

  5. Even Cruz’s friends can’t stand him

  6. And everyione else thinks tRump is a disaster and a fraud

    1. Who trumped?

  7. Trump v. Cruz

  8. Jordan Klepper and Assan Minaj

  9. Pres Cruz will nuke another country tRump who knows, it couold be your neighbor who pissed him off

  10. Roy Wood Jr.

  11. MOZ

  12. Larry! Larry! LARRY!!!

  13. Obama pissed of some loca law enforcement by taking their military toys away

  14. Law Enforcement Military Equipment Confiscation

  15. How do you lose a military Humvee??? Not that the AR=-15 wasnn’t bad enopugh

  16. More guns. What could possibly go wrong ?

  17. ’13 Hour Shooting’

  18. Mike Yard

  19. \Famous last words: What could go wrong?

  20. Almost Comically So? Sorry, so correct.

  21. Again White Michael Jackson

  22. Blake Moffet

  23. Rory Albanese gets his day in the sun

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