The Myth of the Center

There’s Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos- Jim Hightower

It is hard to imagine what Angela Eagle and the Parliamentary Labour Party think they are doing. At best (from their standpoint) they keep Jeremy Corbyn off the ballot and his 60%+ (yup, 60%+) think they’re a bunch of dirty rotten cheaters and never vote for any of them again.

Yes, that’s the upside potential.

At worst they get their asses deservedly kicked, delisted (meaning the Party fires them and replaces them with someone less traitorous of whom there are a surfeit), and vanish into the obscurity they deserve. Their threat to start another Party is hilariously incredible, with or without pro-Remain Tories. That was tried recently by the Liberal Democrats who teeter on the edge of existence.

Now goodness knows who the Conservatives pick, the pro-Remain or Leave candidate, but let’s not forget- CORBYN WAS PRO-REMAIN and delivered that same stubborn 60% of his party and his Labour leadership challengers…


The truth is that strict interpretation of the Labour by-laws mean that Corbyn gets an automatic shot where he will crush Eagle and her Metro Neolib allies like a bug. In the extended scenario it goes to court where Corbyn will win and crush Eagle and her Metro Neolib allies like a bug. In the quick scenario Corbyn resigns and re-submits under challenger rules which only require 31 nominations and will fragment the field with additional Centerist candidates and crush Eagle and her Metro Neolib allies like a bug.

Under NO scenario do Eagle and the PLP emerge with the support of their voters. None.

On top of the majority of them are unabashed Blairites and most people consider him a War Criminal on par with Ribbentrop (who was executed for enabling a War of Aggression let’s remember).

And the NeoLiberal technocracy has failed. People are stupid but they’re not that stupid. Anyone with the attention span of a Goldfish can see their circumstances have measurably declined. “Oooh scary Tories will make it decline faster than us benevolent ‘liberal’ dictators,” is not a winning message anymore.

Folks, there is not some amorphous mass of people willing to buy the bull. To the extent that there is, they don’t vote because they’re happy with things as they are.

What there IS is a multitude who are as mad as hell and are not going to take it any more. Why Sanders? Why Trump? They are looking for action and accountability.

The NeoLiberal experiment has failed for 40 years and the transparency of the Emperors’ clothes is apparent to all.


  1. Vent Hole

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