The Daily Late Show

More and more it looks like getting rid of The Nightly Show was a big mistake. The Daily Show’s quality has noticeably declined and while that’s not untypical of the week after a vacation (especially a two week one) the problem is that it and the lack of continuity can not help from being reflected in the ratings. People who’s opinions I respect are openly wondering if it will last until the election.

Stephen has been rumored for months to be hanging by a thread because he can’t match Dave’s numbers. The suits at CBS think this is because he’s not ‘celebrity’ oriented enough and even brought in their own Executive Producer to take over booking and avoid all the interesting guests Stephen’s fans might want to see (like Politicians and Scientists). The bits are lame and the policy oriented stuff is mostly- isn’t Donald an idiot?

Well… he is, but if you’re recycling the same jokes I just heard for 4 hours on MSNBC you’ll forgive me if I ceased to find them funny about the 3rd time round and now react as I would to a nagging headache that no non-toxic amount of Motrin will make go away.

Things that didn’t completely suck

And in the category of “I told you so”


  1. Vent Hole

  2. Lie a thon 2016

  3. What the actual fact.

    Shooting fish in a barrel.

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