Alone In The Kitchen With An Old Frenchman

Recently French chef Jacques Pépin turned 80 and retired. Over the years, he educated viewers of Public Television on how to cook and, something that no other cooking show host has done, techniques in the kitchen with wisdom, humor and a smattering of French lessons. As Gilad Edelman wrote in a Slate article, this man will teach you how to cook

Simple Sweet Notes

Jacques cuts the cooking time of a whole chicken in half with a pair of shears and a few slashes of his knife in this flavorful Roasted Split Chicken with Mustard Crust. Fluffy Mashed Potatoes make the perfect side dish. Pizza is made quicker and easier when you use a ready-made base, and Jacques personalizes it with an unusual twist when he crisps lavash to make Smoked Salmon Pizza garnished with capers, onion, and cilantro. He concludes with a no-frills concoction of Greek Yogurt, Walnuts, and Honey — arguably one of his fastest desserts.

Roasted Split Chicken with Mustard Crust (pdf)

Minute Recipe: Beet, Stilton, Apple, and Nut Salad (pdf)

This classic salad makes an elegant and tasty first course for a dinner or a great lunch main dish. I simplify the preparation by using sliced canned beets.