Alone In The Kitchen With An Old Frenchman

Recently French chef Jacques Pépin turned 80 and retired. Over the years, he educated viewers of Public Television on how to cook and, something that no other cooking show host has done, techniques in the kitchen with wisdom, humor and a smattering of French lessons. As Gilad Edelman wrote in a Slate article, this man will teach you how to cook

Perfect Presentations

Lobster Roll Medallions on Spinach Salad show off Jacques’ new presentation of a summer seafood favorite. He proves that a craving for hearty food can be satisfied in minutes with Quick Lamb Stew, where vegetables are cooked separately and the lamb is served rare. Finally, skip the time and effort it takes to make a tart crust and head straight for the filling in this shortcut that encases Small Berry Custards in pretty dishes.

Small Berry Custards (pdf)

Minute Recipe: Fried Capers (pdf)

For an unusual cocktail accompaniment, I like to deep-fry capers. Although small capers are preferred for most recipes, the largest capers available are the best for deep-frying. Crunchy and nutty, these will surprise and delight your guests.