Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History
Clean-up ends at New York’s Ground Zero, months after the Sept. 11th attacks; France’s Joan of Arc burned at the stake; Baseball’s Cal Ripken, Jr. begins his games streak; Bandleader Benny Goodman born.
Breakfast Tunes
Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac
The system under which we live is owned and operated by people who do not deserve to run the world.
Breakfast News
Missouri agency cites concerns at St. Louis abortion clinic
Louisiana lawmakers send new abortion ban to governor’s desk
California water utilities seek relief from fire lawsuits
Illinois advances legalized pot after home growing settled
US officials to put off oil leases near sacred tribal land
Charter schools accused of stealing $50M from California
Wildfire prompts evacuation of 50 homes in Florida
No end seen to struggle as Mississippi flood enters month 4
Israel heads to election as Netanyahu fails to form govt
Brazil’s anti-graft crusader struggles in Bolsonaro gov’t
AP: Purdue foreign arm caught up in opioid probe in Europe
Jordan stands by 2-state Israel-Palestinian solution
South Africa’s president names Cabinet that is 50% women
China dangles a potentially harmful new threat in trade war
Bosnian war-crimes suspect detained in Romania
Breakfast Blogs
Mitch McConnell Did Not ‘Reverse’ His Position on the Supreme Court. His Position Is Only Republicans Can Fill It. Charles P. Pierce, Esquire Politics
Mueller’s Emphasis: Russia’s Greater than Two Efforts to Interfere in the Election emptywheel aka Marcy Wheeler, emptywheel
Barr is a big, fat liar digby aka Heather Digby Parton, Hullabaloo
Question tristero, Hullabaloo
All bets are off Tom Sullivan, Hullabaloo
Mueller’s Message: The Obstruction That Nearly Halted Criminal Case Against Russians Ryan Goodman, Just Security
Matter of M-S- and the Continuing Battle Over ‘Zero Tolerance’ Andrew Patterson, Lawfare
What is a “Good” School? Erik Loomis, Lawyers, Guns and Money
Can This Be Happening Scott Lemieux, Lawyers, Guns and Money
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs Paul Campos, Lawyers, Guns and Money
Before It Is Lost To History… driftglass, at his blog
Uneasy Lies Yastreblyansky, The Rectification of Names
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