Missing the point entirely.

I’m not actually talking about The New York Times here, but I’ll get around to them. No I’m talking about Igor Derysh at Salon.

Stephens’ Saturday column, titled “The Secrets of Jewish Genius,” immediately came under fire after he was accused of “using eugenics talking points” in his piece discussing the alleged superior intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews. (That term refers to Jewish people of predominantly European ancestry.)

“Jewish people of predominantly European ancestry”?


Look at a freaking Map!

As for the NYT…

That they had to remove the reference to the Racist study Bret Stephens cited is not surprising.

He’s a Racist. He cites Racists to reinforce his Racist arguments. It was in fact the only scrap of garbage he bases his Thesis on and its lack of credibility is obvious not only from the very title but the Authors are easily Googled and it was never peer reviewed.

So why did no one at the Times check it?

Or if they did, why do they still have a job? Or Bret Stephens for that matter?

Bret Stephens is proof you can be a never Trumper Republican and a stone cold Racist. It’s not the man, it’s the Party.