Six In The Morning Monday 6 November 2023

Hamas-run health ministry says 10,000 people killed in Gaza since start of war

Where is the West Bank – and who lives there?

Following our last two posts – and in case you need a reminder – the West Bank is an area of land located on the west bank of the River Jordan and bounded by Israel to the north, west and south. To its east lies Jordan.

It has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Middle East war, but decades of difficult on-off talks between Israel and the Palestinians – both of whom assert rights there – have left its final status unresolved.

Between 2.1 million and 3 million (sources vary) Palestinian Arabs live in the West Bank under both limited self-rule and Israeli military rule.

The West Bank – excluding East Jerusalem – is also home to some 430,000 Israeli Jews who live in more than 130 settlements built under Israel’s occupation.

Four killed in the West Bank

Four Palestinian men have been killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank today, the Israeli military and Palestinian ministry of health operating in the occupied territory say.

The four are reported to have been in a car driving through the city of Tulkarem when the soldiers opened fire. The Israeli military said the men were members of a Hamas cell that was behind numerous shooting attacks.

The occupied West Bank is separate to the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. A total of 152 Palestinians have been killed in in the West Bank since 7 October, the health ministry there says.

A commission for Palestinian prisoners says 70 Palestinians were arrested overnight, including prominent activist Ahed Tamimi, as we reported in our last post.

The Commission of Detainees’ Affairs says more than 2,000 Palestinians have been arrested in the West Bank since 7 October, amid escalating violence in the territory.


US and UK militaries owe combined $111bn in climate reparations – study

Exclusive: study finds militaries have generated about 430m metric tonnes of CO2 emissions since 2015 Paris accords

The US and UK militaries owe at least $111bn in reparations to communities most harmed by their planet-heating pollution, a first-of-its-kind study calculates.
The research employs a “social cost of carbon” framework – a way to estimate the cost, in dollars, of the climate damage done by each additional tonne of carbon in the atmosphere.

“The environmental costs of maintaining the global military reach of the US and UK armed forces are astonishing,” said Patrick Bigger, research director of the Climate and Community Project and co-author of the report.


Delhi to curb cars after Diwali amid ‘severe’ pollution

India’s capital city will implement restrictions on the use of cars following the Hindu festival of Diwali. The move comes as air pollution in New Delhi is already at a hazardous level.

Delhi plans to restrict the use of cars and other vehicles following the celebration of Diwali in a bid to reduce hazardous air pollution,local officials announced on Monday.

The city’s environment minister, Gopal Rai, expects pollution to rise even more following India’s biggest national festival, which is on Sunday November 12 and is celebrated with the extensive use of fireworks — even though they are banned in Delhi.

Delhi’s current air pollution levels are between seven to eight times the safe limit set by the government, with the region enveloped in a hazardous toxic haze.

Tougher French immigration bill would expel ‘foreigners who commit crimes’

Senators in France started debating a bill Monday that is intended to toughen the country’s immigration law but advocacy organizations have criticized as a threat to the rights of asylum-seekers and other migrants.


French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said the legislation “is about being firm” on immigration. The bill especially is aimed at “being tougher on foreigners who commit crimes, expelling them all,” he said, speaking Sunday night on TV channel France 2.

The government said the measure would strengthen and accelerate the process for deporting foreigners who are regarded as “a serious threat to public order.”

At the same time, Darmanin, who is considered one of the most right-wing members of President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist government, said the bill acknowledges people who entered France without authorization and “want to regularize.”


Researchers: 13 tsunami formed in 90 minutes in mysterious event

By RYO SASAKI/ Staff Writer

November 6, 2023 at 18:31 JST


The mystery over the tsunami that formed in the Pacific Ocean on Oct. 9 deepened as researchers found that a series of 13 tsunami were generated over 90 minutes on that day.

The latter six tsunami overlapped each other, amplifying the waves to twice their original height, the research team said.

The tsunami on Oct. 9 was observed over a wide area of Japan along the Pacific, including the main islands of Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku, but how it was generated remains a mystery.


Diver’s huge discovery of ancient coins off coast of Italy hints at hidden shipwreck


More than 30,000 large bronze coins dating back to the fourth century AD have been found by a member of the public during a dive off the coast of Sardinia, Italy—a discovery that could point to the presence of a shipwreck, according to the Italian culture ministry.

The diver spotted some “metal remains” in shallow water near the town of Arzachena, the ministry said in a statement Saturday. These turned out to be “follis”—Roman bronze or copper coins also later used as Byzantine currency.

Based on their weight, the total number of coins in the find is estimated to be between 30,000 and 50,000, the ministry said. This is more than the 22,888 follis hoard found in Seaton, United Kingdom in 2013, it added.