Prime Time

Premiers!  Good for you.

Keith called out Jon Stewart last night on false equivalency-

Take the poll and tell Keith to bring back ‘Worst’ just the way it was (73% at the moment).

In other news- Joe “Dead Intern” Scarborough suspended!


Dave hosts Billy Bob Thornton, Mike E. Winfield, and the Secret Sisters (get a wiki page guys).

What your telling me Sir and correct me if I’m wrong, is that the infantry attack on Lone Pine, and our Light Horse attack on the Nek are diversions.

Oh, not just diversions Major, vital important diversions. Tonight, 25,000 British troops will land here at Suvla Bay. Our attacks are to draw the Turks down on us so the British can get ashore. Sorry I didn’t tell you this before, secrecy is vital.

But Sir, the Nek is a fortress. Protected by at least five machine guns at point-blank range.

Yeah, we’ve considered that Barton. We’re gonna hit their trenches with the heaviest barrage of the campaign just before your men go over the top.

By the time we’ve finished here, there won’t be a Turk within miles.

The Turks can keep us pinned down at ANZAC forever. This new British landing is our only hope. We must do what we can to make it succeed. Because of it does succeed, we’ll have Constantinople with a week, and knock Turkey out of the war.


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  1. I came across this link to butter and its use in the earlier part of the 20th century. It came from an old cooking magazine found by the author’s mother-in-law in an cookbook compilation. The author noted that the following article, which was found in magazine Farmer’s Wife, was written around 1929 when the USDA was pushing the use of butter because of a surplus.

    Use Butter Generously

    Use Butter Generously by Miriam Williams

    Some women are naturally lavish. They set a good table-plenty of maple syrup and butter for the “stack o’ wheats,” an extra dish of sauce beside dessert, a full jar of crisp butter cookies.

    Other women use creamery butter sparingly, usually buying a reliable brand of butter substitute, because it is “just as good.”

    The butter-saving woman is not as scientific or wise a planner as it might seem if she looks to a cream check for cash. Multiply butter-saving and butter-substituting country cooks many times and it does something to the national supply of butter. I learned that the holdings of butter in cold storage were higher last August than during 1929, which marked the record peak of 151 million pounds. Folks must use butter a bit more freely if a surplus such as this is to be reduced and the price of butter kept stable.

    Fats which are competitive to butter all have their place, but one does not yearn to be particularly lavish with them.

    With butter it is different. I level-measure baking powder, spice, flour for cakes or gravy, but when it comes to measuring butter for seasoning, it’s a rounding tablespoonful or a generous lump.

    Few things make me bristle like the restaurant sandwich which isn’t spread with butter, and clear to the edges too.

    The dairyman who almost caused a rift in the church by his explosions over the “measurably skimpy” pats of butter which the ladies’ aid served at the church supper, has my sympathy.

    Let yourself go when it comes to seasoning with butter. Folks always sit up with relish to the family table where there are melting butter squares on hot porterhouse or round steak and a golden yellow heart in the bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes. And who can resist vegetables cooked just to a tenderness, their own liquid cooked down, and seasoned with sweet flavored butter? Rich velvety cakes made with butter command a premium at the market or church bazaar.

    Use generously of your own products. Set a good table, cook well so that you may live well. The Farmer’s Wife magazine recipes support these ideas.

    I have never used margarine or any of the butter substitutes that are on the market, since it has been shown that they are far worse for you than butter or extra virgin olive oil. There is no substitute for taste, either. American’s problem isn’t butter, it’s how much they eat of junk food, fried food, sugar substitutes, red meat and a lack of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and exercise. The average 50 year old Frenchman has 50% less chance of dying from a heart attack than a 50 year old American male.

    Yeah I know I should just put this in a diary

  2. Prince Charles going all Al Gore on the world at ten on NBC?  

  3. Fixing the Future: Now on PBS

    With David Brancaccio just like in my old second favorite show, Now on PBS.

  4. There’s always Need to Know.

  5. Good stuff.

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