The Daily/Nightly Show (Trevor Noah II)

Oh yeah, tweets.  So yesterday was Monday, last week (between time change, Basketball, appointments, and visitors I’m getting very, very confused).  By Tuesday the real blowback had started centered around 8 admittedly unfunny tweets Trevor Noah made-

Frankly I don’t understand insult or physical comedy at all.  The Three Stooges leave me cold and if you’re going to insult someone better it should be like Groucho Marx and not Don Rickles.

Well, Art is Art, isn’t it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.

And yet intellectually I understand there is an audience for Jackass and Andrew Dice Clay.

On Tuesday (last week) damage control started-

Some more measured and thoughtful criticism-

The latest is that he stole jokes-

Milton Berle stole every joke he ever told.

Sigh.  I must admit I really want to like Trevor, just like I want to like Larry.  Larry’s show has gotten much, much better now that he’s had a chance to work out the kinks in the format (monologue, bit, panel (now only 3), Keeping it 100) and I expect the same will happen with Trevor.

And it isn’t fair for us to expect that he will be the same as Jon-


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