Prime Time

Some premiers.  Rachel has a special- The Assassination of Dr. Tiller.

If any form of pleasure is exhibited, report to me and it will be prohibited! I’ll put my foot down, so shall it be… this is the land of the free! The last man nearly ruined this place he didn’t know what to do with it. If you think this country’s bad off now, just wait till I get through with it! The country’s taxes must be fixed, and I know what to do with it. If you think you’re paying too much now, just wait till I get through with it!

I’d be unworthy of the high trust that’s been placed in me if I didn’t do everything in my power to keep our beloved Freedonia in peace with the world. I’d be only too happy to meet with Ambassador Trentino, and offer him on behalf of my country the right hand of good fellowship. And I feel sure he will accept this gesture in the spirit of which it is offered. But suppose he doesn’t. A fine thing that’ll be. I hold out my hand and he refuses to accept. That’ll add a lot to my prestige, won’t it? Me, the head of a country, snubbed by a foreign ambassador. Who does he think he is, that he can come here, and make a sap of me in front of all my people? Think of it – I hold out my hand and that hyena refuses to accept. Why, the cheap four-flushing swine, he’ll never get away with it I tell you, he’ll never get away with it.


Dave hosts Salvatore Giunta and Sahara Smith (get a wiki page!).  Jon and Stephen in repeats, 11/9, 11/16.  Conan hosts Eva Mendes, Bob Saget, and Neon Trees.

BoondocksThe S Word.

Gentlemen, Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you: he really is an idiot. I implore you, send him back to his father and brothers, who are waiting for him with open arms in the penitentiary. I suggest that we give him ten years in Leavenworth, or eleven years in Twelveworth.

Monday we watch-a Firefly’s house, but he no come he wasn’t home. Tuesday we go to the ball game, but he fool us: he no show up. Wednesday HE go to the ball game, but we fool him, WE no show up. Thursday it was a double-header, nobody show up. Friday it rained all day, there was no ball game, so we stayed home, we listen to it over the radio.

You’re a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you’re out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we’ll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are.

Zap2it TV Listings, Yahoo TV Listings


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  1. A young Prince lived in a shining castle.

    Although he had everything his heart desired,

    The Prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.

    But then, one winter`s night,

    An old beggar woman came to the castle

    And offered him a single rose In return for shelter from the bitter cold.

    Repulsed by her haggard appearance,

    The Prince sneered at the gift,

    And turned the old woman away.

    But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances,

    For Beauty is found within.

    And when he dismissed her again,

    The old woman`s ugliness melted away

    To reveal a beautiful Enchantress.

    The Prince tried to apologize, but it was too late,

    For she had seen that there was no love in his heart.

    And as punishment,

    She transformed him into a hideous beast,

    And placed a powerful spell on the castle,

    And all who lived there.

    Ashamed of his monstrous form,

    The beast concealed himself inside his castle,

    With a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.

    The Rose she had offered,

    Was truly an enchanted rose,

    Which would bloom for many years.

    If he could learn to love another,

    And earn her love in return

    By the time the last petal fell,

    Then the spell would be broken.

    If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast

    For all time.

    As the years passed,

    He fell into despair, and lost all hope,

    For who could ever learn to love…a Beast?

  2. I’ve only seen it 4000 times.  

  3. On top of Beauty, the PBS Sondheim Special, I worked that one too.

    I was on the elevator and just after Michael Cerveris introduced me to Stephen Sondheim, not that it was his first time meeting me but he has more important things to remember, Elaine Stritch who was once an old drinking buddy of mine, walked out from the back of the elevator, pinched my cheek and said “Whatever you’ve been doing with yourself keep it up because you look marvelous.”  


  4. Christy Carlson Romano (who is Christopher Dodd’s Nice) and Alan Menken.  

  5. John Tartaglia when he played Lummie Baby.

  6. Donny Osmond’s birthday photo back when he played Gaston.  

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