Democratic Debate #6 Open Thread

I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

So tonight’s offering is at 9 pm ET on PBS and will be held at University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI.

What Hillary needs to do is offer a vision of positive change. So far she has a bunch of pre-compromised position papers promising more of the same and in case you haven’t noticed, people aren’t happy with the status quo. What she will probably do instead is attack Bernie in an attempt to increase his negatives.

What Bernie needs to do is convince people he’s electable (he out polls every Republican, by bigger margins than Hillary). What he will probably do instead is try to tell his personal story (not necessarily a bad thing, and it’s compelling despite what John Lewis says) and pander to Blacks and Hispanics (probably bad as it will seem inauthentic and trust and honesty are his strong suits).

I think it’s more likely Hillary will make a mistake than Bernie (attacking him will simply make her seem petty and defensive), she’s the one with expectations and Bernie will be Bernie, the same one he’s been for 50 years.

I dunno, I may or may not watch. I have serious napping to catch up on.


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  1. Vent Hole

  2. In advance of tonight’s debate I think I’ve figured out what Bernie’s answer should be to the

    “You’re criticizing Saint Obama and saying he isn’t a progressive. How can you call the first Black President a sell-out?” attack.

    Bernie’s answer should kill them with “kindness”.

    “The President and I haven’t agreed on everything, find me two people in this world who do. He’s one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. He’s tried amazingly hard to find common ground and compromise with Republicans throughout his 2 terms. He’s passed a health care plan originally proposed by the conservative heritage foundation and implemented in Massachusetts by conservative Governor Romney. His stimulus plan was 40% tax cuts even though that’s proven to be the least efficient way to stimulate the economy. His justice department didn’t prosecute a single person for torture or a single banker for fraud. I can’t count the ways the President has reached across the isle and gone more than halfway to appease Republicans. He’s such a nice guy. Republicans took advantage of him. They won’t find me so kind.”

    1. Heh

  3. Pro Clinton crowd.

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