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Morning Shinbun Sunday August 29

Sunday’s Headlines:

US right claims spirit of Martin Luther King at Lincoln Memorial rally

Deepwater Horizon fears resurface as rigs probe for oil under Arctic ice


Five years later, large New Orleans family ‘still walking through Katrina’

For Obama, Steep Learning Curve as Chief in Time of War


Sublime to the ridiculous: new cases in the extradition courts

Central bank exec triggers fresh storm with views on the “Jewish gene”

Middle East

A U.S. ‘legacy of waste’ in Iraq


Thousands flee Indonesia volcano on Sumatra

New Dissent in Japan Is Loudly Anti-Foreign


South Africa’s unions turn on Jacob Zuma and the ANC

Latin America

Chile mine rescuers work on ‘Plan B’

Morning Shinbun Saturday August 28

Saturday’s Headlines:

Why are so many Americans hostile to Islam?

BBC’s Mark Thompson takes aim at Murdoch empire in MacTaggart lecture


Dangers of war persist for soldiers left in Iraq

U.S. wary over example of first military tribunal case


UN tells France to stop forced expulsion of Roma

ECB chief Trichet warns failure to tackle high debts risks a ‘lost decade’

Middle East

The great chess game of the Middle East

Iraq put on high alert ahead of expected bombing campaign


‘We want to talk to the Taliban. But they would rather kill themselves’

The Dear Leader has left the building

Latin America

Fresh violence hits Mexico

Morning Shinbun Friday August 27

Friday’s Headlines:

Carter gains release of U.S. activist imprisoned by North Korea

Parade of Super Cars Inspires Mixed Feelings


Behind Scenes of Gulf Oil Spill, Acrimony and Stress

Uneven Katrina recovery efforts often offered the most help to the most affluent


U2 deliver subtle dig to Medvedev in Moscow

France deports more Roma in defiance of international criticism

Middle East

Chilcot inquiry accused of fixating on west and ignoring real victims

Iraq combat phase ends, but U.S. might stay past 2011


Pakistan floods prompt mass evacuations in south

Afghan leader criticises US pullout


How did rebels rape 200 women just miles from UN base in Congo?

Kenya to adopt new constitution

Latin America

Brazil government gives go-ahead for huge Amazon dam

Morning Shinbun Thursday August 26

Thursday’s Headlines:

US new house sales hit record low

Satoshi Kon dies at 47; Japanese anime director


As economy slows and Fed voices conflict, markets look to Bernanke for guidance

Oil industry’s answers frustrate federal panel


EU reviews France’s Roma expulsion as Paris digs its heels in

Middle East

Facing jail, the unarmed activist who dared to take on Israel

Mousavi secrets ‘put his life in danger’


Japanese politician launches attack on ‘River Kwai’ Britons

US warns of threat to foreign aid workers in Pakistan


UN to improve DR Congo links

Latin America

Mexico: bleeding to death in the war on drugs

Morning Shinbun Tuesday August 24

Tuesday’s Headlines:

Billions of aid dollars buy U.S. little goodwill in Pakistan

Inside a celestial super-volcano


Pesky shareholder activists gain influence

State Department details Blackwater violations of U.S. laws


Prosecutors may decide today on charges against WikiLeaks founder

British critic unlikely to find leniency in Singapore court

Middle East

Egyptians prepare for life after Mubarak

Iraqi Army trains Kurdish forces as part of U.S. integration plan


Pakistan in political crisis amid allegations of flooding aid corruption

India rejects Vedanta mine plans for Orissa


Zuma’s media censorship ‘is like going back to Apartheid era’

Reports of mass rape by DRC rebels

Latin America

Trapped Chile miners receive food and water

Morning Shinbun Monday August 23

Monday’s Headlines:

Pakistanis Say Taliban Arrest Was Meant to Hurt Peace Bid

Another news flash from Jupiter


Far from Ground Zero, other plans for mosques run into vehement opposition

Growth puts pressure on California’s state parks


Rock-star critic takes new swipe at Putin

Half of French voters prefer Left candidate to Nicolas Sarkozy

Middle East

The families waiting for Iran to free their children

US troops ‘would only return to Iraq because of complete failure of security’


China may drop death penalty for economic crimes

Ex-policeman hijacks bus in Manila


Boys hoping to gain their manhood lose it – forever

Latin America

Trapped miners in Chile are alive

Morning Shinbun Sunday August 22

Sunday’s Headlines:

Katrina’s poisoned legacy

Pirate radio tries to beat repression in paradise


In Striking Shift, Small Investors Flee Stock Market

Before salmonella outbreak, egg firm had long record of violations


Irish terror groups target Conservative party conference in Birmingham

Russia kills suspected mastermind of Moscow Metro disaster

Middle East

Israeli army’s female recruits denounce treatment of Palestinians

As Mission Shifts in Iraq, Risks Linger for Obama


Debts pushing Pakistan to the brink of ruin

Japan and India in nuclear co-operation talks


Somali fighters killed in blasts

Morning Shinbun Saturday August 21

Saturday’s Headlines:

Obama under pressure in test of principle that could define his presidency

Frank Lloyd Wright house in Bethesda now belongs to architect’s grandson


Five years after Katrina, New Orleans sees higher percentage of Hispanics

Muslims fear backlash as festival falls near Sept. 11


Who really masterminded France’s crime of the century?

Expelled Roma promise to return to France

Middle East

Iran begins loading Bushehr nuclear reactor

Settlements ‘may halt’ direct talks


Pakistan accepts $5m flood aid from India

Deaths that shocked Japan


Stellenbosch University abuzz after student paper prints photo of gay kiss

Nigeria: Is Goodluck Jonathan running for president or what?

Latin America

Wyclef Jean vows to help Haiti after presidential bid rejected

Morning Shinbun Friday August 20

Friday’s Headlines:

Robert Fisk: US troops say goodbye to Iraq


‘Ground Zero mosque’: New Yorkers take dim view of rabble-rousing outsiders

Target feels backlash from shareholders


No longer unknown: Stories behind portraits of First World War soldiers are revealed

At war under Tuscan skies

Middle East

Iraq war by the numbers, as last US combat brigade leaves

Israelis and Palestinians to Resume Talks, Officials Say


Red Shirt v Yellow Shirt: Thailand’s political struggle

Pakistan is a ‘slow-motion tsunami’, UN chief says in emergency session


Police clash with S Africa strikers

Human trafficker jailed for trying to sell albino man

Latin America

Wyclef Jean not on list for Haiti election for legal reasons, official says

Morning Shinbun Thursday August 19

U.S. jobless claims jump to 9-month high of 500,000.

Unexpected climb is yet another setback for already frail recovery

Thursday’s Headlines:

Civilians to Take U.S. Lead After Military Leaves Iraq

Eat your art out: Artists develop a taste for food


Poll shows more Americans think Obama is a Muslim

Mediator takes reins on gulf oil spill claims


Quelle horreur! Asterix surrenders to McDonald’s

Outspoken French politician presents new statue of Lenin

Middle East

Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups

In impoverished Gaza, electric company can’t collect its bills


Pakistan floods: Saudi Arabia pledges $100m

Obama wants Burmese rulers to face UN war crimes investigation


South Africa strike: 1.3 million government workers push for wage hike

Latin America

Haiti election: Struggle over Wyclef Jean’s eligibility could spark crisis

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