Author's posts

Chernobyl on the Thames

Nothing to see here. Keep Calm and Carry On. Even the Tories admit it: only duty free can get us through by Marina Hyde, The Guardian Fri 13 Sep 2019 “I’m afraid I didn’t do enough work at university. My strong advice is: don’t waste your time at university. [sigh] Don’t get drunk, don’t do …

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La Dame qui boite

Hey! It’s Sam!

All Sports Edition. Actual Breaking News! And Golf. Moose Racing More Golf!

Twits at The Times

Politeness on the Internet? How basic. My advice, now and always, is don’t take the bait no matter how bright, shiny, buzzy, injured snack imitating it is. The Illusion of Civility Irritating Parasite? Would Bret was the only one.


A Noble Gas As the price of Helium increases the cost of things like MRI Machines, even running them because there is always some leakage, goes way up. It is equally true that we throw most of it away, it’s literally as cheap as dirt so at the moment there’s no incentive to price frivolous …

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Wall to Wall

One thing that bothers me is when the Media (I’ll dignify it with neither “News” nor “Journalism”) gets focused on a single topic and you hear the same thing (normally wild speculation) over and over and over again. That’s when you need YouTube or Netflix or Duck Tales on Disney XD (Voiced by Who Two- …

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Who’s crazy now? The Rats of N.I.M.H. The History Guy

How Are Things In Fukushima?

Just as terrible as ever and about to get worse. Japan will have to dump radioactive water into Pacific, minister says by Justin McCurry, The Guardian Tue 10 Sep 2019 The operator of the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will have to dump huge quantities of contaminated water from the site directly into the …

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Majority Viewpoints

I keep saying that most policies considered “impossibly far Left” by the D.C. Political and Media Establishment of both Parties are in fact ideas favored by supermajorities of United States Citizens. This is a good summary of some of the issues on which the D.C. consensus is just wrong and is being ground under the …

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Sometimes it’s not funny. Hasan Minhaj

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