Author's posts

Giant Penis Vanity Wall O’ Racism

What was always a dumb idea is still a dumb idea that steals money from Red States and has pissed off the Pentagon. Trump’s border wall is now a monument to his failure By Paul Waldman, 2019 September 5, 2019 From the outset it was an idea both stupid and malign, but he was committed …

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Boris’ Bad Day

You know when I was your age, I went out to fishing with all my brothers and my father, and everybody. And I was, I was the only one who caught a fish. Nobody else could catch one except me. You know how I did it? Every time I put the line in the water …

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No, we are not finished with the House of Mouse. Jenny recently visited D23, a biennial Disney PR event. Super special visitors get preferred seating at the panels, everyone else (Jenny) SRO. Jenny Nicholson

Today in Brexit

After winning yesterday’s motion to proceed, today the No Deal, No Brexit Bill passed it’s second reading with further defections. Rebel Tories had their whips removed last night and are effectively banished from the Party. Their departure makes the “Independent” block of Members of Parliament without a Party one of the largest (36). I have …

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At first I hardly noticed. I’ve been busy, I’ve been traveling, didn’t miss it at all- less to do at night, more news repeats. But the news got worse and worse and I was developing the shakes along with an overwhelming feeling of despair. I lay awake most nights, staring at the ceiling lit by …

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Told you we’d get around to Toy Story 4. Curse you Disney! Jenny Nicholson

Lone Star

Alas, not isolated in this case but joined with geographic lost causers and believers in illusions of a legendary West (Guns were strictly regulated most places, what do you think the O.K. Corral was about? To reduce crime in Tombstone, on April 19, 1881, the city council passed ordinance 9, requiring anyone carrying a bowie …

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No Confidence

With the defection of Phillip Lee to the Liberal Democrats, Tories, even in co-operation with the DUP (no one else will have them), have lost their Parliamentary majority. Don’t expect this to be the end of today’s fireworks, scheduled is a motion forbidding a No Deal Brexit without a Parliamentary vote. It also directs Johnson …

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So I mentioned the Kylo Ren Redemption / Dark Rey story arc to a friend who’s a fan and they said, “Ben killed his Father who was trying to save his sorry ass. Pretty hard to redeem yourself from that.” I opined that perhaps Disney thought the fans brain damaged and forgetful and they said, …

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There’s A Leak Of Classified Information!

Ever hear of the NRO? Good, you’re not supposed to. The National Reconnaissance Office is more secretive than the NSA and among the things they do is image analysis of Top Secret photos like the one one of the Iranian Missile Base leaked by Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio on Twitter the other day. But you …

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