Author's posts

The Astroturf Rebellion

I’ll simply assume that everyone is aware that revolting Guaidó, err… the Guaidó Revolt, is nothing more than a CIA Op because the U.S. doesn’t want a scary “Socialist” leading any nations in the Western Hemisphere. There are plenty of corrupt Dictators in Latin America (see Brazil) and we do nothing. Venezuela is a special …

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The “I” Word

Recent thoughts from Pravda and Izvestia. Here are seven reasons Trump should be impeached By Max Boot, Washington Post June 3, 2019 Article 1. Donald J. Trump, in violation of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, and to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has obstructed the administration of justice: …

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Diamond Day

Clio calls. June 6th, 1944, it was a day, The Longest Day according to some because (of course) advance units were already in motion on June 5th. I duly bemoan the sad state of Historical Pedagogy (minds out of the gutter folks, could have used “instruction” but I like to be obnoxious) that allows the …

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Spring is sprung. Dandelions

It’s Economics Stupid

Look, a Tariff is a Tax placed on Consumers and Businesses of the Country imposing the Tariff as a disincentive to purchase Imports from a particular provider. By definition. Now there are other offensive (especially to Free Traders) economic actions that one can take like Blockades (depriving someone of a necessary Input) and Embargos (refusing …

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Think I’ll Go Down To Drucker’s Kate

Yeah, been itching to do some serious Biden Bashing. Plagiarism charge hits Biden climate change plan By ZACK COLMAN and NATASHA KORECKI, Politico 06/04/2019 Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign came under fire on Tuesday for putting out a $1.7 trillion climate change plan that appeared to copy a handful of passages from previously published …

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Did you miss me? A Love Letter to Detroit – Listener

Threshold Values

Sing it, Gene. If Trump doesn’t warrant impeachment, who does? By Eugene Robinson, Washington Post May 30, 2019 What would a president have to do, hypothetically, to get this Congress to impeach him? Obstruct a Justice Department investigation, perhaps? No, apparently that’s not enough. What about playing footsie with a hostile foreign power? Abusing his …

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Good Question

Of course the Versailles Villager Narrative is that Impeaching Unindicted Co-Conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio is “unpopular” and “electoral doom” for Democrats. First of all, some stuff you do because it’s your damn job, not because it’s personally beneficial except in maintaining, improving, or establishing your reputation for DOING YOUR DAMN JOB! Dammit. Secondly it’s not as …

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I am tired of Jeff Daniels and To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus is a disappointing character. Besides, this really happened. Ok, so you think I’m just a Lin-Manuel Miranda fanboy.

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