Author's posts

Hating on Hat City

It shows up on these ‘Best’ lists and I can’t fathom why. The place is a dump.


I saw a headline the other day that was something like- “Scientists explain why no Locust Swarms in North America this year.” Well, I guess it’s alright then.

Not A Rant

Losing Ground, a Special from Vice News.

Good Question

Also Corona Updates.

No Sports?

America’s Cup 35, Challenger Playoff Semifinal


“All of this is for the very best end.” Remember, Nellie Forbush is a stone cold racist who ruins the lives of everyone she touches. I think Candide is about my favorite Opera ever. It has all the essential elements, naive ingenue led into misbehavior by ill counsel and a rebellious nature as her life …

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When I think about Bushcrafting I’ve devised a pyramid of need. The first two steps are mostly preliminary to the third, which is vital. You need a knife. Endlessly useful in breaking down material they’re very difficult to construct in a primitive environment (not impossible). Your best bet is to have one, doesn’t have to …

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Unreliable Narrators

Unless exposed like an English Major (Historians write too) it might not occur to you that most of what you read is not at all true, demonstrably false by easy experiments in fact (Harris? Really? There are plenty of reasons to hate her, and I do, but she is more a “Natural Born” Citizen of …

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I’ll have a shot of that.

Mmm. Baker’s 105. It’s “Sippin’” Whiskey, so a side of Soda or Branch only please. At it’s peak the Bourbon Empire ranged about as far as the Hapsburgs but it was always centered around France and Spain (as opposed to Germany and Central Europe). It is interesting to observe the final throes. The Immoral Double …

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September 1, 1939

On the night of 31 August 1939, a small group of German operatives dressed in Polish uniforms and led by Naujocks seized the Gleiwitz station and broadcast a short anti-German message in Polish (sources vary on the content of the message). The operation was named “Grossmutter gestorben” (Grandmother died). The operation was to make the …

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