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You want to know the worst part of biting the Heads off of Chickens? Salmonella.

Apparently Sean Hannity Has Been Divorced For Years

Ok, it was this or more Neo Liberal Failure and Modern Monetary Theory. Consider yourself spared. For now. Sean Hannity and wife divorce after more than 20 years of marriage By Emily Smith, Page Six, New York Post June 3, 2020 Fox News host Sean Hannity and his wife, Jill Rhodes, have divorced after more …

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Well, you could pick the next Cave over and join me. Course I’d have to Brand my Goats even though I know them by smell. Expect they’ll resent it a mite. What do you know, the Land of Cleves. $37K per year.

Stephen King Defeated

I am happy to announce that at 00:01 on Wednesday, June 3rd 2020 noted Racist Stephen King was defeated by Randy Feenstra in Iowa’s 4th Congressional District Republican Primary according to The New York Times.

Apostolic Succession

Who was the first Bishop of Rome? It’s generally accepted that it was the Apostle Peter, you are the Rock on which I will build my Church Thrice Denying Peter. You know, on what basis are you claiming to be a Christian if you don’t know the Grips and Words? Anyway in the Western (Roman) …

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Rot From The Top

Perhaps you have heard about the dismissal of Louisville Kentucky’s Police Chief Steve Conrad after the murder of David McAtee, a kindly Restauranteur who frequently comped Cops free meals. Well, it’s about as bad as you might think. Louisville Police Left the Body of David McAtee on the Street for 12 Hours by Aída Chávez, …

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Thoughts on Policing

I worked for a time at the Research Company my Brother works for and a great deal of their work centers around Traffic Studies for State and National DOTs and the IIHS. How’s business? Not as bad as it might be. Many States have taken advantage of a moratorium from US DOT on submitting certain …

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John Chapman was a real live jive guy and it’s true he was considered a bit eccentric if only because of his lifestyle and mode of dress, but if you’ve watched any of the Bushwacking shows a Pot is a handy thing to have and if you wear it on your head you have both …

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Voting by Mail

Last Week Tonight is late posting their video so I’m going with a secondary source that may or may not stay up.


Les Stroud Prioritizes

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