Author's posts
May 31 2020
Ok, this is a Rant.
I can’t not include this part- Ian Bremmer mentions Greenwich (pronounced Gren-itch) Connecticut. It’s exactly like that in Stars Hollow too. The little town that time forgot and the decades cannot improve. All the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average. But it’s not Greenwich, they’re …
May 31 2020
Not the only epidemic.
Diabetes is a disease that was already at epidemic levels pre-Corona. I’ve known several people with very bad conditions and some were careful and some were not. It raises your likelihood of dying from Corona by like a thousand percent (20% of Diabetics admitted for Corona die vs. 2% of a more general population). There …
May 31 2020
No Sports?
Perhaps you’re curious about the Formula One eRacing. Well, nobody got suspended for deliberately driving into others, but a driver from Formula E (would that be eeRacing?) hired a Gamer Ringer as a substitute and got busted for it. Anyway, here’s eMonaco. They could do that every year and I’d be just as happy. I’m …
May 30 2020
Ma Nishtana
Well, because tonight is the night Yahweh struck down the First Born of Egypt, all of them, but spared the Houses of Hebrews marked with the Blood of the Korban Pesakh. Freedom from slavery? Plagues? Look, did you even go to Sunday School? It’s also why no leavening and roasted only and double dipping and …
May 30 2020
That was fast.
Leonardo DiCaprio in The Quick and the Dead just after he gets shot to death by his Father, Gene Hackman. He has a lingering death scene were he wails “I don’t wanna die.” to his favorite Hooker. Yes that is Sharon Stone. She’s not the Hooker. Russell Crowe is also in it but not this …
May 29 2020
George Floyd’s United States
In case you’ve forgotten George Floyd is just the latest Black American lynched and murdered by Police. Derek Chauvin has finally been charged with 3rd Degree Murder (only 3rd? Coroner says he can’t confirm asphyxiation- complicit bastard, we have it on video tape). Admirably all 4 former Officers, 2 physically aided in the death, 1 …
May 29 2020
Drink Clorox!
I am absolutely not being sarcastic. What makes you think so? Oh, him. And please tell me you don’t take medical advice you haven’t verified (well, from me, TMC is a Doctor and a really good and high powered one) from some random Internet site that openly proclaims they traffic only in scurrilous rumors and …
May 28 2020
How FISA Failed
I’m a stickler for following the rules. For instance I do in fact virtue signal by wearing a mask and gloves that I am willing to conform to make you comfortable with our public interaction. I was reluctant to give up the alliteration but in the original title “Failed” was two words, the first also …
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