Author's posts


Yeah. Time to go. #7. Don’t think I didn’t notice.

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.

Eh, scratch that. Things are pretty much bad all over unless you’re a Billionaire slopping at the $434 Billion wealth trough they’ve added to their net worth. I can barely begin to tell you how bad the Economy is and how long it’s going to take to recover and it really irks me that Nancy …

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Thuggee Theory And Practice

Some suggest that Thugs were an invention of the British Raj to justify their Imperialism. Other sources posit a strictly criminal motivation (think Mafia families). While they had their own cant and rituals they were probably not Kali (who was much more complex than a simple “Death Goddess” like Hela) worshippers despite Temple of Doom …

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Admit it. You want one. If I ever hit the lottery…

A Conversion Experience

So the story goes a little something like this- Saul, a Roman Soldier, was on the road to Damascus when Jesus Christ appeared in front of him. Along with miracles to establish his bona fides Jesus told Saul the Kingdom of Heaven was open to all that believed in Him through the unmerited Grace of …

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Luxury Vibrators!

Oh wait. Quibi. And Jeffery Katzenberger.


Do you ever find yourself wanting to bite the heads off of Chickens? What about on Ice?


Let’s not go traveling, shall we?


I want to talk with you about vomiting blood. It’s not very pleasant. First of all you are, by definition, nauseous and you probably have a headache because of the anemia but that’s not the interesting part. Your vomit comes out kind of black until it hits the toilet water where it turns a spectacular …

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Competitive Face Slapping

Billingsgate Rules of course. Another Brit I feel vindicated

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