Author's posts


I tell you, I come from a long line of Circus folk.

Less Than Nothing

Anderson Cooper of CNN, among others, doesn’t quite understand how Oil could suddenly (well, sort of) become worthless garbage you have to pay people to cart away. Simple really. Crude Oil. even the highest grades like Saudi Light and Sweet and Texas Intermediate and Brent, is a toxic and obnoxious substance. While with Soybeans and …

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TV’s greatest celebration of Whiteness since Frasier.

What? You didn’t notice that? How woke are you?


Not funny though entirely ironic in the ‘Don’t they realize he’s a Communist?’ sense. Our good friend dday has himself an interview in The Hill which is not exactly a hotbed of Lefty sentiment. Yup, that’s what he really looks like (I disagree with the trendy Gen Z half Rayban Frames).

One of our neighbors has it.

Four of them actually out of a family of Five. Right next door on Sores and Boils Lane here in Stars Hollow. Does this bother me? I must say the primary topic of conversations with my Therapist recently has been my Anxiety instead of my Depression (it hasn’t gone away, it’s just less dominant in …

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No Sports?

Marble League 2019 Competitive Marble Racing Finds Fans in a World Missing Sports By Mariel Padilla, The New York Times April 18, 2020 Videos of competitive marble racing have gained widespread attention as nearly every sporting event, major and minor, has been placed on hiatus because of the coronavirus pandemic. β€œIt sucks us into another …

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Big fan of Pink Floyd.

The Knife Show

First of all I’m not some kind of freaky Zombie slaying hyper survivalist, on the other hand sharp tools are frequently useful. I like Folders because the Sheath is built right in. Now Lockback designs like your very first Cub Scout Knife are entirely acceptable provided you are completely sure about the direction in which …

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Macy’s Day Parade – Green Day Who Needs Bagpipes? The Worst Day Since Yesterday and The Likes Of You Again- Flogging Molly 110 Trombones Led The Big Parade. Portals Same octave, but I like valves.


Look, I watch a lot of, uh, Bushcrafty TV and there are only 3 guys who know their ass from a hole in the ground and one is Matt Graham and another is Cody Lundin and they both had to work with Joe Teti who is a Testosterone fueled asshole. Les Stroud works alone, except …

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