Author's posts
Apr 13 2020
The Destruction of Wealth
Let’s say you went out to the Market and bought a Million Dollars worth of Stock at the very Peak Price. What happened? Well, you gave someone some Money and in turn you received some Claim on the future Profits of a Company. Now let’s say that almost instantly the Company goes out of Business. …
Apr 12 2020
Revolutionary Cred
I spent well over 15,000 hours conservatively, $546 thousand at my customary rate (very reasonable) not counting the money I spent or the $10 grand my thieving traitorous Vice President stole from me while she was cheating on my brother, achieving my ambition of becoming Capo di Tutti. Ahem. Hey, I won, and the rejoicing …
Apr 12 2020
No Sports?
Badminton! From 2019. Women’s Singles Finals Men’s Singles Finals Women’s Doubles Finals Men’s Doubles Finals Mixed Doubles Finals I actually like playing this because as hard as you hit it the birdie flies slow so there’s plenty of time to think.
Apr 12 2020
Readers, assuming I have any, may wonder why I’m not posting pieces from Stephen or Seth or Trevor or Sam. Or Saturday Night Live. Well, they make me sad. Not that they’re not funny sometimes but then I always feel guilty after. I don’t watch News much anymore either, it’s too painful. I do like …
Apr 12 2020
Catalog of Doom
In a sense I’m overwhelmed with material so it should all be very easy. On the other hand it’s as depressing as Heck and my Therapist was expressing her concern. You know, I don’t even get paid. I do it for me and my Art and the presumptive audience who appreciates a little consistency. Nothing …
Apr 11 2020
No I haven’t stopped doing these. Mainly Anna Akana. Bad News Selfish Pick A Fight Spoken For Anna is kind of an acquired taste. Totally L.A., does Acting, Directing, Singing, Self Help. Her Sister committed suicide at 14 which is kind of life changing, especially when you already suffer anxiety and depression. I think she’s …
Apr 10 2020
That sure worked.
Some Markets were closed today out of superstition (or respect for superstition) but not Oil which is controlled by Godless Communists and Muslims so it was open. Yesterday it rose a bit on news that Russia and the House of Saud had arrived at a production cut agreement. Today it seems less likely that will …
Apr 10 2020
Langa Frigedæg
Oh it means Good Friday in Old English and it’s still used in Scandinavia and Finland. I don’t actually feel obligated as an Atheist to destroy any particular belief system and don’t go out of my way to do it. I mean, it’s clear that Mormonism bears the same relationship to Christianity that Islam does …
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