Author's posts
Jan 16 2020
A Can Of Worms
The metaphor is that it takes some doing to get those wriggly creepy crawlies back in it. If I was looking for something punny I might reference the Diet of Worms (it’s a Cathedral in Germany not noom, get over it) which was a conference held to form a response to Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation. …
Jan 15 2020
All The Fuss
Evidently Lev Parnas (tonight’s guest on Rachel) really does have receipts and there’s a lot of ‘smoking gun’ talk as the Articles, all two of them unfortunately, proceed to the Senate. Oh, Shiff, Nadler, Lofgren, Jeffries, Demings, Crow, and Garcia. Bolton’s Ghost Writer is apparently putting the finishing touches on his book which at least …
Jan 15 2020
Minneapolis (or Providence)
Hey, I do things, I go places, I know people. And people know me, I’ve been to some Netroots (“My name is Roger Murdock. I’m an Airline Pilot.”) and among the pleasures of that experience is that I’ve had a chance to chat with some fairly prominent folks who are not instantly recognizable. I swear …
Jan 14 2020
Grow Up
Normally I wouldn’t touch this topic with a ten foot pole (Available from your local D & D outfitter at a mere 10 Coppers per for touching objects you wouldn’t otherwise. Experienced explorers go for the premium collapsible model at 10 GP. How did I make my money? Selling Picks, Shovels, and Pans to Suckers.) …
Jan 14 2020
I have a pair, and three of these.
“Yeah son. That’s called a Full House.” Really? Is it good? Trevor Stephen Seth If you only watch one… For the record a Full House is the 3rd highest ranked hand in Poker (without wild cards which I advise using in copious quantities if you want to make money off of rubes because it creates …
Jan 14 2020
Matt Bai Is (a terrible human being)*
* A Racist! I’m not sure that I want that turning up at the top of the Google but it’s true enough and you are now free to justifiably accuse me of cowardice in this instance. He grew up an Alex Keaton Reaganaut in about the whitest town in Connecticut (which is saying quite a …
Jan 14 2020
Comrades. The Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Гла́вное управле́ние Генера́льного шта́ба Вооружённых Сил Росси́йской Федера́ции) have taken control of your so called “elections” in the name of our glorious Fatherland- Rodina.
Jan 13 2020
Waffle House Rules!
You know, Joe Micklewhite (or Junior as we like to call him) is in every movie ever. No wonder he got on the Queen’s List. Regular readers recognize I’m a sucker for scattered smothered, chunked, covered, capped, and Country (please, no peppered- I’m terribly allergic) with an egg over on top. Moscow Mitch is not …
Jan 13 2020
A Thin Hand
In addition to a lot of unbelievable things about me I know many games and am fairly decent at most of them (Golf? I don’t take that seriously at all.). Among them is Canasta, a card game so complicated it requires at least 2 decks. First of all, now you know what the second deck …
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