Author's posts

Got Golden Fingers

Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show Hey, Ray, hey, Sugar, tell them who we are… Well, we’re big rock singers We got golden fingers And we’re loved everywhere we go…(That sounds like us) We sing about beauty and we sing about truth At ten thousand dollars a show…(Right) We take all kinds of pills that …

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Late Breaking News From the Boar War!

No, not the Boer War. That would be really late breaking. The War Against Feral Hogs!


I have frequently been in Bristol, Connecticut, home of ESPN and Otis Elevators. The last time I was there I was abandoned by a Cop at a Movie Theater without a Pay Phone (and me without a Cell because I’m a Luddite) since I didn’t want to be dumped at a Strip Club at 3 …

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Time to throw some Paper Towels

I find myself needing to remind people all the time- PUERTO RICANS ARE UNITED STATES CITIZENS AND THEY ARE EUROPEAN WHITE! They happen to speak Spanish is all, it’s no different than speaking French or Italian. Puerto Rico is 3,515 square miles. Connecticut is 4,849 square miles. Puerto Rico has 3,193,694 residents. Connecticut has 3,572,665 …

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An Unfortunate Confluence

You can’t deny that the 2 biggest news stories of recent weeks are the Ukraine Bribery/Extortion Scandal and the United States’ Assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani. Now I certainly don’t mean to imply that there is any but coincidental connection between them (well, except for Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio) but I found this both …

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Everything you need to know about Politics you can learn by watching The Godfather. My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator. Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don’t have men killed. Oh? Who’s being naive, Kay?

Trolling the Super Bowl

Apparently there will be two competing Super Bowl spots, only one from an actual Billionaire. Trump, Bloomberg each spend an estimated $10 million for 60 seconds of Super Bowl ads By Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Washington Post Jan. 7, 2020 The campaigns of President Trump and billionaire Mike Bloomberg said Tuesday they have each purchased …

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Home From The Holidays

Let’s see what Trevor, Stephen, and Seth have to say shall we? Trevor Stephen Seth


The People’s Global Golden Choice Awards Who is Ricky Gervais?

The Mustache of WAR!

John Bolton is a pretty horrible human being but if you’re looking to build a RICO case you probably aren’t dealing with Saints. The reason his testimony in the Ukraine Bribery/Extortion Scandal (I like that name and will stick with it until a better one comes along) is important is he was right in the …

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