Author's posts

Late Reactions

Seth and Trevor are tardy.



Luntz Focus

It’s supposed to remind you of “Let’s Focus” but it makes so much sense you might not see the pun.

Imagining the Perp Walk

It would certainly give me a bit of satisfaction, I just think Civil War is more likely. Trump is right to panic by Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post September 30, 2020 Every incumbent president wants to win reelection. It is an admission of failure if voters send you home after four years. A first-class narcissist such …

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What happened?

Debate 1

Frankly I don’t think there’s going to be a Debate 2. Biden ain’t good but he’s better than that. Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio will be thrashed and run away like all bullies. However this won’t change a thing. C-SPAN

Good Times?

Depends who you ask. Food Service.


Nothing funny about this.

John Oliver and the Supremes

Poetry, don’t say I won’t put it on the Front Page. Welcome back John. You keep me hanging on.

What A Week

Not funny.

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