Category: News

Peach Mint

Everyone’s favorite new flavor Prosperity Gospel A Month Late In fairness it probably got bumped a lot by “Breaking”. Veterans Day On Time!


Entirely handy. Try driving in New Hampshire without them.


I’m sorry. As I’m sure you’ve gathered faithful readers, I disapprove of reality shows that don’t revolve around actual stuff like pushing dirt or cleaning up downstream of Tilapia farms (they actually have their own methods of clearing their pens, it’s no different from Lobsters really). I am sad/happy to report Sean Spicer is no …

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A Wall Street Parable

As all of you know a mere 144 Thousand will ascend to sit with Christ on Judgement Day and what better symbol of God’s own Righteousness than money. Lots and lots of it. Yeah, yeah eye of a needle Beatitudes bull crap. Gun Jesus wants you to kick ass and take names. Until 1957 “In …

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New Fall Line Up On HBO!

Game of Thrones: The College Years, Game of Thrones: Winterfell Valley High, and Throne Babies- Battle for the Rattle. 24/7, 365. John Oliver, impoverished by legal fees and the loss of his lucrative contract, is trying desperately to eek out a living making appearances on and ghostwriting for Late Show with Stephen Colbert, fellow The …

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Flint. My people didn’t live there, they were too poor. Shack in farm country actually. Married up. Great Grandpa worked the Canal and invested early in Smuckers and Fischer Auto (He also bowled 300 at least twice, I have seen the scorecards and he would want me to mention that). Now, according to my relatives, …

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The Breakfast Club (Low Fat Milk)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:30am (ET) to …

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If they feel outnumbered it’s for a reason.

They are. 99.99% is not just an Occupy slogan, it’s a fact. America’s billionaires take center stage in national politics, colliding with populist Democrats By Jeff Stein, Washington Post November 8, 2019 The political and economic power wielded by the approximately 750 wealthiest people in America has become a sudden flash point in the 2020 …

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Dumb da Dumb Dumb

You know the problem with being old? People don’t get your jokes anymore because they lack the cultural references you think are so relevant and act like you’re senile, treating you as a bubble wrapped fall risk. Dragnet gosh durn it. AND GET OFF MY LAWN! In Virginia, Republicans confront a fearful electoral future By …

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I admit when I was first exposed to this song I dismissed it as a piece of lightweight fluff that had reasonable musicality (nothing as challenging as the guitar riff in Badge for instance, let alone the 5/4 break in Dancing Fool) and questionable lyrics that apparently endorsed unrealistic expectations of women which, while not …

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