Category: News

DNC Day 2 2020

Eh, not rabid like Faux or Cheerleaders like MSNBC (not particularly liberal by the way), nor deliberately dull like CSPAN or a personality platform like CNN (MSNBC hosts already have a personality), it put me into a deep, deep slumber which is alarming to my associates who wonder if I am dead or not.

Day One Live Recap

Maybe I’ve lost my sense of humor. To me this is all the “news”” I can stand. It’s not funny. I don’t blame Stephen, he’s better than most but I have no room for anything except the bleakest cynicism. Trivia- his new set is a copy of his real office which is two floors up.

DNC Day 1 2020

PBS which is about as neutral as I could find. 6 pm Scheduled.

Hating on Hat City

It shows up on these ‘Best’ lists and I can’t fathom why. The place is a dump.


I saw a headline the other day that was something like- “Scientists explain why no Locust Swarms in North America this year.” Well, I guess it’s alright then.

Not A Rant

Losing Ground, a Special from Vice News.

Good Question

Also Corona Updates.

No Sports?

America’s Cup 35, Challenger Playoff Semifinal

The Breakfast Club (Frozen Red Grapes)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! AP’s Today in History for August 16th Elvis Presley, the King of Rock n’ Roll, dies at Graceland; Baseball’s Babe Ruth dies in New York; Uganda’s Idi Amin dies in Saudi Arabia; ‘Sports Illustrated’ hits newsstands; Singer Madonna born. Breakfast Tune Demolition String Band “Like A Prayer” by Madonna. Westport, …

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“All of this is for the very best end.” Remember, Nellie Forbush is a stone cold racist who ruins the lives of everyone she touches. I think Candide is about my favorite Opera ever. It has all the essential elements, naive ingenue led into misbehavior by ill counsel and a rebellious nature as her life …

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