The Breakfast Club (Building Process)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

U.S. government warns of smoking risks, Amelia Earhart becomes first woman to fly solo across Pacific, Major League Baseball introduces designated hitter.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Democracy is not something that happens, you know, just at election time, and it’s not something that happens just with one event. It’s an ongoing building process. But it also ought to be a part of our culture, a part of our lives.

Jim Hightower

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TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (Your Life)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense; London’s Underground opens; The Beatles first album released in US hits store shelves; Rod Stewart is born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.

George Washington Carver

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Just Because Jesus Forgot About A-B-0-R-T-I-0-N Doesn’t Give You the Right

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian

BobbyK for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (live active cultures)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club!

AP’s Today in History for January 9th

Former U.S. President Richard Nixon is born, Howard Hughes identifies fake biography, Unmanned probe lands on moon, the Phantom of the Opera becomes the longest running Broadway show.

Breakfast Tune Bluegrass Banjo solo phantom of the opera

(BK: Slow internet today couldn’t preview video. Fingers crossed.)

Something to think about, Breakfast News & Blogs below

Something to think about over coffee prozac

As true today as it was in October.

Democrats Reach Deal To Introduce Landmark Fundraising Email

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TMC for ek hornbeck

The Breakfast Club (History)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

Elvis Presley born; President Lyndon Johnson declares war on poverty; Ramzi Yousef sentenced to life in prison for first World Trade Center bombing. Physicist Stephen Hawking born.

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

Sidney Poitier (February 20, 1927 – January 6, 2022)

History passes the final judgment.

Sidney Poitier

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TMC for ek hornbeck

)The Breakfast Club (Saddest Aspect)

Welcome to The Breakfast Club! We’re a disorganized group of rebel lefties who hang out and chat if and when we’re not too hungover we’ve been bailed out we’re not too exhausted from last night’s (CENSORED) the caffeine kicks in. Join us every weekday morning at 9am (ET) and weekend morning at 10:00am (ET) (or whenever we get around to it) to talk about current news and our boring lives and to make fun of LaEscapee! If we are ever running late, it’s PhilJD’s fault.

This Day in History

First U.S. Presidential Election; Clinton goes on trial in Senate; Khmer Rouge overthrown; Emperor Hirohito dies

Breakfast Tunes

Something to Think about over Coffee Prozac

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

Isaac Asimov

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TMC for ek hornbeck

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