Only John Oliver and Stephen Colbert stage a battle of insults between two dead presidents, Warren G. Harding and Zachary Taylor, using their wax statues. After agreeing to disagree, the statues kiss and make up.
Tag: Meta
May 05 2017
What’s Cooking: Cinco de Mayo Quesadillas & Margaritas
Adapted from diary originally published on May 5, 2012, the 150th anniversary of defeat the French forces by the Mexican Army at the Battle of Puebla. It’s May and it’s getting warmer here in the northeast. Tomorrow is Cinquo de Mayo, the only battle that the Mexican army won in their war with the French. …
Apr 14 2017
What’s Cooking: Baked Ham
Republished from Mar 29, 2013 Ham is salty. Whether its smoked or just fully cooked ham is salty. Since many people are trying to reduce the daily intake of salt, this is away to have your ham for Easter and eat your fill. I use chef Julia Child’s method to reduce the salt by boiling …
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