I can’t believe it’s that time already. So we are getting a head start. Revised from November 20, 2010 for obvious timely reasons. I never went to cooking school or took home economics in high school, I was too busy blowing up the attic with my chemistry set. I did like to eat and eat …
Tag: Meta
Oct 31 2016
Samhain: The Thinning Of The Veil
Samhain is one of the eight festivals of the Wiccan/Pagan Wheel of the Years that is celebrated as the new year with the final harvest of the season. It is considered by most practitioners of the craft to be the most important of the eight Sabats and one of the four fire festivals, Imbolc, Beltane …
Sep 29 2016
Traveling (again)
Transferring to Stars Hollow By The Sea (as opposed to Stars Hollow North Lake or the DocuDharma/Stars Hollow World Headquarters in New York City). New York City?! Well, Pace is actually a Campbell Soup Company from Camden, New Jersey which is 96 miles from New York City and I assure you that you can see …
Sep 28 2016
No slouch.
When I brag about my computers it’s usually a time of stress in my life where I’m trying to exert control through externialities. I say this because I don’t want my readers to think that I’m some kind of ‘mine is bigger’ asshole while instead I am a mendicant who measures each sou against a …
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