Tag: Meta

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – The Empathy Gap

This week on his HBO show, Bill Maher took the Republican candidates to task for refusing to get on the humane side of an issue unless they have been personally affected by it. Until it happens to them – Got a rant?

The Fortunate Son

Venus is, at it’s peak, 5 times brighter than any fixed star in heaven. During it’s Solar transit it’s just a big black spot which some Christians take as a metaphor. Me? It’s a big ball of hot gas with a rocky core that can be described as ‘hellish’ if you believe in metaphors which …

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Let me tell you about therapy.

What? You don’t get it yet that I’m experiencing a mental meltdown that has lasted my whole life and I can only pray tortures me another 120 years? You don’t know me at all. And I’ll remind you Clarice that Fava Beans are merely an acceptable substitute for Chickpeas in Hummus. My recipe- 2 heads …

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Oscars: The 88th Academy Awards

There has been a huuuuuge amount of criticism of Hollywood and the academy of Arts and Sciences for the lack of diversity in its industry. Taking the biggest hit in the media for the “whitewashing” are this years Oscars for its lack of minority nominees. It is two years since the Academy nominated a black …

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Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – Crass Warfare

On his HBO show, Bill Maher took the vulgar talking yam (h/t Charlie Pierce) to the out house for his hypocritical criticism of former Mexican president Vincente Fox for his use of the “F” word. His expletive not deleted monologue is priceless.

Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – Wheel of News

There are so many great news stories, Stephen can’t possibly choose which one to cover. So he’s relinquishing editorial control of The Late Show to the Wheel Of News. Due technicians not having enough time to get the new prop working, Stephen improvises.

Rant of the Week: Bill Maher – For the Love of Bud

Joint in hand, reminds lovers of marijuana to keep up the fight for the legalization of marijuana. He then lights up and treats what ails him.

Sorry about today.

I pride myself on punctuality and strive to achieve it. I have no excuse except I have a cold and feel horrible. This too shall pass, all things do, and I will hopefully be my obnoxious self tomorrow.

Trevor Noah ‘Between The Scenes’

Ever wonder what happens during the commercial breaks? It’s not that interesting. Programming tomorrow starts at Cartnoon. No Breakfast Club, TMC is busy and so am I- napping. There will be no Health and Fitness. There will be extended coverage of Herr Doktor Professor’s recent brain melt down and other minutiae related to the Bern …

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Rant of the Week: Stephen Colbert – The Oregon Militia Needs More Stuff

This is the end of week two of the Malheur Na,tional Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon. Stephen Colbert, host of the CBS “The Late Show,” reviewed the latest list of requests for supplies from the brave men in fatigues have for hair care products, creamer, and the most essential survival gear of all, cash …

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