I suppose I ought to say something profound. Perhaps I should claim this- “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Yeah, yeah, P.T. Barnum, fellow Nutmegger. The attribution is merely apocryphal and the copyright has expired anyway. Steve Bannon charged with defrauding donors in private effort to raise money for Trump’s border wall By Matt Zapotosky, …
Tag: ek Politics
Aug 20 2020
Day Three Live Recap
“I did hope he would show some interest in taking the job seriously.” Really? You misguided martyr.
Aug 19 2020
DNC Day 3 2020
The problem with PBS is they don’t put up their Live Feed Link until very late in the day.
Aug 19 2020
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.” Collusion? What is that? Criminal Conspiracy …
Aug 18 2020
DNC Day 2 2020
Eh, not rabid like Faux or Cheerleaders like MSNBC (not particularly liberal by the way), nor deliberately dull like CSPAN or a personality platform like CNN (MSNBC hosts already have a personality), it put me into a deep, deep slumber which is alarming to my associates who wonder if I am dead or not.
Aug 18 2020
Day One Live Recap
Maybe I’ve lost my sense of humor. To me this is all the “news”” I can stand. It’s not funny. I don’t blame Stephen, he’s better than most but I have no room for anything except the bleakest cynicism. Trivia- his new set is a copy of his real office which is two floors up.
Aug 17 2020
Hating on Hat City
It shows up on these ‘Best’ lists and I can’t fathom why. The place is a dump.
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