While we are debating changes to the Tax Code that will provide 90% of their benefits to the wealthiest 1% and raises the Taxes of everyone else who makes less than $75,000 a year (in addition to taking away critical benefits to pay for it, not that it needs paying for mind you) it is …
Tag: ek Politics
Dec 05 2017
Why There Will Be 2 More Votes On Taxes
The short answer is that when Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republican Misleadership put back the Alternative Minimum Tax for Corporations (which they had to do to pay for other bribes to their caucus) they didn’t lower the rate and it remains at 20%, exactly the same as the base rate! What this means for …
Dec 04 2017
The New Revolution
Never let it be said I don’t post anything positive. GOP Tax Bill Would Reorder Society & Create “Hereditary Aristocracy” for Rich What the Republican Tax Bill Portends for the Future by Ian Welsh 2017 December 2 The idea that it will “pay for itself” is ludicrous, and no one with a shred of intellectual …
Dec 04 2017
Too True
I am at a loss for words. Fortunately Charlie Pierce has some. Trump Is Not to Blame for the Devastating Republican Tax Bill By Charles P. Pierce, Esquire Dec 2, 2017 I confess. I gave up on the whole exercise Friday night around midnight when the Republican majority in the Senate passed an amendment to …
Dec 01 2017
Republican Corruption
It’s not just Trump. As Paul Krugman helpfully points out, every Republican is complicit and a liar. Republicans’ Tax Lies Show the Rot Spreads Wide and Runs Deep by Paul Krugman, The New York Times NOV. 30, 2017 On Thursday morning, The New York Times revealed that Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, has been lying …
Nov 30 2017
Cut Cut Cut Part 3
Can that possibly be true? That a roomfull of CEOs gathered by the Wall Street Journal can indicate that this bigly great again economy boosting Republican Tax Cut Cut Cut will have absolutely no effect at all on their decisions to produce more, hire more people, provide better wages? I like to provide context …
Nov 28 2017
Being a Nazi is not normal.
Or at least it wasn’t back in the day. What day? How about 1981? That’s when Henry Walton Jones Jr. exploded their heads and melted their faces. Close your eyes Marion, Clio rears. They say every time a Nazi dies an angel gets it’s wings. It’s really not at all hard to understand, they are …
Nov 27 2017
The CBO Score
The reason I hate doing pieces like this is I feel compelled to revisit the counter-intuitive ways that money is not what you think it is and deficits and debts don’t really matter but what you buy does. Money is an artificial construct that facilitates economic transactions. That’s it. It’s only other value is as …
Nov 27 2017
Bread Substitute And Icky Wax Part 2
Look, this metaphor may be new to my writing but I’ve shared it in real life for years (mostly to uncomprehending stares, you creep me out folks, at least pretend to understand and humor me that way, I got it first time). Roy Moore is a sexual predator posing as a Christian. He’s no different …
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