I talked this morning about sports and while I find them intermittently amusing they are mostly convenient excuses to nap and non-threatening topics of conversation (“How ’bout them Mets?”). The fact is that sports as mass touchstones of common culture are in an inevitable and irreversible state of decline, one has only to look at …
Tag: ek Politics
Nov 25 2017
A Chilly Thanksgiving?
Mine was fine. No permanent damage. In some places it may have been a bit more… frosty. The shrinking profile of Jared Kushner By Ashley Parker, Washington Post November 25 His still-evolving role in the investigations of Russian election interference and possible obstruction of justice also make him a potential risk to President Trump, even …
Nov 25 2017
Bread Substitute And Icky Wax
One of the problems with being me is I often make cultural references that nobody else gets, though because I’m such a charming fellow overall they wisely nod their heads and proclaim my genius, at least to my face, because I’ve stumped them. The Emperor must be clothed after all. Among my favorite citations is …
Nov 21 2017
I Can’t Drive 55
I’ve done some reprehensible things in the past and I continue unabated to this day. One of the cars I owned while I was living in Syracuse was ‘The Red Rocket’, a maroon Buick Century with a white vinyl top that boasted Positraction and a 454 4 Barrel V-8. Yeah, it only got like 6 …
Nov 20 2017
Cut Cut Cut- Part 2
The inherent problem with this piece as a whole is that it assumes the tenants of Debt/Deficit Hawkdom which have been demonstrably proven to be false even if you don’t buy the whole nine yards of Modern Monetary Theory. “It’s a Ponzi Scheme”: Wall Street Fears Trump’s Deranged Tax Plan Could Kick Off Economic Euthanasia …
Nov 20 2017
This Is Totally A Real Thing!
Honest. KFC’s Totally Fried Internet Escape Pod Will Save You From Cyber Monday For Only $10K by Paul Lilly, Hot Hardware Sunday, November 19, 2017 Do you hate how technology has come to rule the day? Are you looking for some peace and quiet during the Black Friday/Cyber Monday madness that is nearly upon us? …
Nov 18 2017
The Good Fight
There is more to American politics than fat cats and their political friends. There are serious-minded liberals who fight the good fight on many issues, ecologically oriented politicians who remain true to their cause, and honest people of every political stripe who are not beholden to any wealthy people. But there are not enough of …
Nov 17 2017
A Full Frontal Thanksgiving
Look, I’m not like that, honest. My eyes are up here, ask anybody. On Taxes Naked Ambition Just a friendly reminder, it’s not Trumpism, it’s Republicanism.
Nov 17 2017
The Slow Death of Neoliberalism- Collected
I’m not apologizing for it, but by now I’d hope it would be obvious to regular readers that not every post represents 100% original content. The late, great Issac Asimov would often claim anthologies of others’ work that he edited as part of his Opera (that’s the correct plural of Opus in Latin, in English …
Nov 16 2017
Being rich doesn’t necessarily make you very bright. It’s well known in the Art community that Donald Trump’s Renoir is a forgery, and not a particularly good one. Some one, or some institution, has just paid $450 Million for a Leonardo da Vinci that is likely just as fake. A ‘Leonardo’ sells for $450 million. …
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