Tag: ek Politics

More Stupid Tax Tricks

You know, I bang my head on the desk trying to come up with an incredibly lucid explanation of some obscure point and then someone like Paul Waldman does it better in fewer words- (T)he CBO also says that repealing the mandate will result in 13 million fewer Americans with health insurance — hence those …

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About that $300 Billion “Savings” from repealing the Individual Mandate

If you’re like me you’ve heard on the Cable TV and in the newspapers that repealing the Obamacare Individual Mandate will save $300 Billion and asked yourself, how does that work exactly? Should you find a semi-reputable source, like say The New York Times for instance, you’ll find a paragraph similar to this- If it …

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Hitting On Eighth Graders

You know, maybe it’s ok if you’re in the 9th Grade and you have a Junior High School (7th, 8th, and 9th Grade) / High School (10th, 11th, 12th) Educational System. My second girlfriend (I wasn’t fast enough for my first one, a classmate) was a Junior (High School, get your filthy minds out of …

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The confluence of Armistice Day and the 100th Anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution has caused Clio to rear her head again and consider the fortunes of the German Empire in 1918. Contrary to plan, Germany had been thwarted in the West by the French and British but experienced considerable success on the Eastern Front against …

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Cut Cut Cut!

What about cut are we not understanding here? Cut health care for the sick and elderly. Cut deductions for 99% of the population. Above everything else cut the necessity for .01% Plutocrats and Transnational Megacorp Monopolies to pay any taxes at all. It’s also a give, Give, GIVE! program. Give wealthy heirs Aristocratic privilege. Give …

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Not Just Meatballs and Lingonberry Jam

It goes on your meatballs. No, seriously. On the other hand Scandanavians like Lutefisk too, I’ve tried that and it’s not nearly as horrible as you’d think. Nuclear War is exactly as horrible as you’d think. How to Build a Fallout Shelter Using Nothing but IKEA Furniture By Nick Greene, Vice Nov 9 2017 In …

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What could possibly go wrong?

After you give out a $300,000,000 no bid contract to a 2 person firm that happens to be located in a Cabinet Secretary’s home town that his son just happened to used to work for? Puerto Rico is in blackout again after power line fixed by Whitefish fails by Umair Irfan, Vox Nov 10, 2017 …

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This Post Is Conceptually Flawed

It’s all too easy? That’s what they want you to think.

About That Big Medicaid Victory in Maine

Maybe no so much. You may have missed it but Seema Verma, head of the Health and Human Services Department’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services wants to institute work requirements for benefits. States will be allowed to impose Medicaid work requirements, top federal official says By Paige Winfield Cunningham, Washington Post November 7, 2017 …

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Just Last Week!

Look, I doubt there are many who are more supportive of Sam Bee than I, after all I thought they ought to put her and Jason Jones in charge at The Daily Show and do a spoof of the Happy/Eyewitness News Format in the Colbert Pundit mold. It’s still a good idea dammit. Alas she …

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