The Climate Change World Series John Tarleton, The Indypendent Oct 27, 2017 Conservatives don’t like when political issues intrude into their sports spectacles — unless it involves ostentatious displays of veneration for the U.S. military — but climate change appears determined to make its presence felt by both players and fans during this year’s Fall …
Tag: ek Politics
Oct 27 2017
Oh Brave New World…
that has such people in it (The Tempest, V, i). If you type 1+2+3 into your iPhone’s calculator on iOS 11, you probably won’t get 6 By Mike Murphy, Quartz 10/27/17 If you’ve upgraded your iPhone’s operating system to iOS 11, try this: Go to the calculator app and quickly type 1+2+3. You likely won’t …
Oct 27 2017
November 22, 1963
It seems I am not done with you yet. I was quite happy yesterday. Rachel Maddow validated my current obsession (actually kind of a deadline throw-away dedicated to Richard in the same way as my Formula One coverage), however as it turns out it is so much less than it should have been. Rachel attributes …
Oct 26 2017
“Only The MOST Scurrilous Rumors”
The reason they call The New York Times “The Gray Lady” is not a mad romance of assonance or even Puritan rectitude of content. It’s because until recently (October 16, 1997- Tony Fernandez HR sends Cleveland Indians to World Series) the NYT refused to print color photographs. A Glossary of Key Figures and Conspiracy Theories …
Oct 26 2017
Relax. It’s Just A Game.
And as always it’s so much easier when you can “appeal to authority” and let a Nobel Prize Winner in Economics (no, the other one) carry your water (4 Gallons a day for desert operations, amounting to 32 pounds which doesn’t seem like much until you try to lift it, though, like gas in Formula …
Oct 25 2017
As I may have mentioned I’m a trained acolyte of Clio, an inclination I sometimes indulge much to the dismay of my readers. Eisenstein’s October is not history, it’s not even good fiction. It is propoganda. As Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian puts it- October has fierce, declamatory intertitles with exclamation points, unforgettably intense closeups …
Oct 24 2017
A Real Boy!
A lie keeps growing and growing until it’s as plain as the nose on your face. I’ll bet a lot of you folks don’t believe that, about a wish comin’ true, do ya? Well, I didn’t, either. I’d rather be smart than be an actor. What’s a conscience! I’ll tell ya! A conscience is that …
Oct 23 2017
Stephanie Kelton: Modern Monetary Theory on Debt and Deficits
After the Great Debate between Sanders and Cruz on the Republican Tax Plan The Real News interviewed Stephanie Kelton for her reaction. Why won’t we end up like Greece? What did Greece do that got Greece into so much trouble? It isn’t that Greece borrowed and had high public debt that got Greece into trouble. …
Oct 22 2017
Hurray For Big Carbon!
Fact: VHS Tape is made out of Hydrocarbons Do the Math. Umm… $214 Million – $216 Million is… too hard Who needs that Math stuff anyway? Everything I need to know I learned from Jean Luc Picard and Olórin
Oct 19 2017
Bernie Debate Mania!
Whether you think that Bernie Sanders is running for President in 2020, or if that’s a good idea or not, there is no denying that he’s been relentless in pushing the acceptable limits of political debate in the United States (Overton Window) to the Left in ways that mere Democrats haven’t. I last pointed out …
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