Tag: ek Politics

You’re Fired!

It’s a Friday News Dump Day, what did you expect? Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price is pushed off the sinking ship, supposedly because of his $1 Million private jet tab (to be fair he offered to pay for $50,000 out of his own pocket!) but in fact because of the failure to deliver …

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The Republican Tax Dilemma

While a debate on Tax Cutting (don’t let Republicans call it “reform”) may serve useful political purposes such as further exposing the essential hypocrisy of Republican “promises” to their base voters (who will see barely a benefit and will mostly be losers sacrificing their earnings to line the pockets of Plutocrats) and the outright lie …

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Sam looks tanned.

Nothing wrong with a little vacation. Next month, 5th though the 26th, I’ll be visiting Stars Hollow By The Sea and Stars Hollow North Lake so my writing will probably be extra sucky and on travel days non-existent. What can I say? Summers are busy times for me, Winters I have nothing much to do …

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Follow The Money- Part 3

Back on May 13th I shared with you 2 parts of what turns out now to be a Trilogy (Sharknado XV: The Jumping!) of documentaries by the Dutch Network Zembla. Well, I was wrong about one thing Zembla is not a network, it is a show- like 60 Minutes. The network is VARA. This third …

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800,000 Hostages

Let’s get it straight about who “Dreamers” are. They’re people who were born outside the U.S. who were brought here while they were minors in violation of U.S. immigration laws. Most of them know no other country since they were too young to remember; some go to school, some serve in the military, some work, …

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Double Barreled Bernie

Oh, you think what I’m talking about is last night’s CNN debate. Well, I’ll get to that. Last Thursday Sanders spoke at Westminster College, Missouri, a venue made famous by being the site of Winston Churchill’s Sinews of Peace speech. A lot of people think that after World War II Churchill went on to be …

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Monopolies are Bad

I was under the impression that this thoroughly self evident concept had sort have become accepted as orthodox conventional Economic Theory back in 1776 when Adam Smith published Wealth of Nations. In that book he spends a good deal of time discussing how externalities, tax preferences, lobbying, and monopolies thwart the ability of the “Invisible …

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Bend The Knee Day

You see, I just want to load my pickup with the AK-47 in the gun rack and the Stars and Bars decals, bumper stickers, mud flaps, truck nuts, and flags on the back with 16 cases of ‘murika’ labeled Bud and go to the game so I can watch 44 mostly Black people bang their …

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Socialized Medicine!

Or Bust. Ding Dong? I would be remiss not to recognize John McCain’s public stand against Graham-Cassidy (Johnson-Heller, let’s not forget those assholes) makes it immeasurably difficult to achieve 50 Senate votes (and a tie-breaking decider from Mike Pence) given Rand Paul’s (give it up for the Freedom Caucus) earlier principled stand, Susan Collin’s almost …

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The Bizzaro Zombie

I’m going to have to ask you to put on your Googly Eyes for this one. So Tiger Beat on the Potomac posits that from a Republican point of view it is Obamacare that is the Zombie that eats your brains and you can not kill, even with fire. (T)he fact that the bill remains …

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