Tag: ek Politics

Assault… AND Battery (Not Quite A Rant)

Not the cannon or electrical kind this time. English is my first language, also my second and third. Battery is a criminal offense involving the unlawful physical acting upon a threat, distinct from assault which is the act of creating apprehension of such contact.

Katahdin Woods

This should be a feel good story, but… The family that makes Burt’s Bees Lip Balm (they may make other things, that’s what I know them for), the St Clairs, took some of their money and started buying up land that had been logged over to the point that the Lumber Companies didn’t want it …

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Zombie Lie-berman

It has been my great displeasure to meet Joe Lie-berman in person on several occasions. He is the smarmiest, oiliest, limp handshaked, cheat, con artist and dissimulator I’ve ever been in proximity to, even for a politician. I never left an encounter without wanting to shower with a Brillo Pad. He’s petty and vindictive, in …

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The Orb


On the night of August 31st – September 1st, 1939 Nazis (real actual factual members of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) took several concentration camp prisoners and one Silesian farmer with pro-Polish sympathies arrested the day before and murdered them after a short broadcast in Polish to make it appear as if there had been a …

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Litterbox Liner

So TMC has kitties. I’m sure this shocking revelation surprises only our most casual readers. Now kitties are wonderful companions and those who claim that they don’t show affection or are untrainable don’t know them very well, though it is fair to say that if they were bigger they would eat you. One of the …

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Get your score cards!

Can’t tell the players without a score card! This summary is extensively re-written but it’s based on Recapping a stunningly bad two weeks for the Trump White House by Philip Bump of the Washington Post. 12 Days In May Monday, May 8– Former acting attorney general Sally Yates testifies before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee that …

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The Master and The Student

Stockton– Richard Nixon is gone now, and I am poorer for it. He was the real thing — a political monster straight out of Grendel and a very dangerous enemy. He could shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time. He lied to his friends and betrayed the trust of …

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Beware The ‘Gifts’ Of The Jinn

Otherwise known as Genies your wish, as they say, is their command. The results are seldom satisfying and often self destructive. This piece has some “category errors” (h/t Lambert). The Institutional Democratic Party is hardly any definition of “progressive” and certainly is not representative of “The Left”. There is apparently little or no interest at …

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Brazil Part 2

It’s a metaphor. Brazil Sinks Deeper Into Political Crisis by Rachel Gamarski, Simone Preissler Iglesias, and Samy Adghirni, Bloomberg News May 18, 2017, 12:50 PM EDT Brazil’s political crisis deepened on Thursday as government allies began openly discussing scenarios for the replacement of embattled President Michel Temer. Brazilians watched in shock as federal police carried …

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