Because nobody could possibly be interested in Trump’s Taxes or Holocaust Centers if they weren’t paid. By the way, where’s mine George? Is the check in the mail or are you a deadbeat like The Donald?
Tag: ek Politics
Apr 15 2017
Sensory Overload
How did you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually and then suddenly. – The Sun Also Rises, 1926
Apr 11 2017
I haz it. I can hardly bear to stand next to a steep drop or precipice whether the structure is man-made or natural, think Empire State Building or cliff (though I can and frequently do, my fear does not master me. On other hand I don’t like it at all.). That’s not why I hate …
Apr 10 2017
Bouncing The Rubble
It is a little known fact (well, except to students of history and military affairs) that blowing up flat places and chunks of concrete closes airstrips for exactly as long as it takes to bulldoze the place flat again and toss some Marston Mat on top, especially for Russian planes which are designed from the …
Apr 10 2017
Dirty Talk From Bill O’Reilly
With a prose style like that you can see why all the women want him and all the men want to be like him.
Apr 10 2017
There, I’ve made it not just as dull as a British person drawing a map, but just as dull as a British person explaining drawing a map.
Apr 09 2017
It means a man with a sexually unfaithful wife. Even the concept has sexist, homophobic, and misogynous implications that I may explore later under a “women as property” theme, but I suspect the reason “cuck” is an attractive term to conservatives of a politically incorrect mindset is the alliteration and assonance with a certain, more …
Apr 08 2017
The Missing Minutes
Or, The Night Without A Sponsor No doubt you’ve heard about Bill O’Reilly’s ~$14 Million settlements of sexual harassment cases (still a drop in the bucket compared to the Billions municipalities across the United States have paid to settle and suppress cases of Police Murder) and sympathized as insincerely as you can but it is …
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