Tag: ek Politics

A Rant

Good News (If True)

It’s not much of a secret that I think a major reason fo the Democrats’ lack of electoral success is their embrace of Neo Liberal Republican-lite policies. Not only are Left positions more popular, but they are failing to provide any differentiation that distinguishes them from Republicans except in the areas of Cultural Tolerance and …

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We Need That Pipeline Why Again?

So a guy from a brokerage came by to pitch my Dad, Richard, on pipeline bonds the other day. To his credit he was dead against it on environmental grounds, but as I told him flat out- even if they’re paying 11% today they’re nothing but a Ponzi scheme because we don’t need them. Exxon …

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A Lifeline For Democrats?

The actual question is- will they take it? I’m pretty neutral about whether Keith Ellison or Tom Perez would be better on the issues, Ellison is hardly a paragon of Left values and has only become more and more wimbly as the DNC Leadership contest has continued. He was never as Left as Corbyn, who …

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Why Concentrate On Quislings?

First of all, it’s effective. I find it hard to believe that anyone with a political memory greater than a Fruit Fly (Goldfish have surprisingly long memories and can be trained using standard animal conditioning techniques, Fruit Flies’ entire lifespans can be measured in hours) doesn’t remember the over hyped but still effective Teabagger movement …

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Whose Ox?

You see, the thing about having principles and supporting policies and not personalities is that it frequently sets you athwart those more unmoored who float with the tides and currents of the moment. Like the nautical references? I have all the graces, among other things I sail and, now this is both funny and a …

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More Signs Of The Coming Apocalypse

Seriously. Time for the Shipping Container Bunkers. McDonald’s New High-Tech Straw Optimizes Your Shamrock Shake Experience by Rose Leadem, Entrepreneur February 16, 2017 We’re heading into March, and you know what that means… McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes are coming back. This year, McDonald’s is going above and beyond just offering the green sugary shake, adding a …

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#Resist All Of Them

Still waiting for my Soros check. The Democrats’ inept resistance: Party leaders want Bernie Sanders to save them from angry activists by Simon Maloy, Salon Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 The first month of the Donald Trump presidency has provoked a public backlash against the president and his Republican enablers in Congress. Massive protest marches against …

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Lots of Glenn Greenwald about Leaks and Leaking Leakers

Note: if you’re a hypocritical Institutional Democrat (and are there any other kind?) who was for leaks under W and against them under Obama but are now for them again under Trump I have two pieces of advice- first get yourself a a good Chiropractor for that whiplash neck and a Speech Therapist for that …

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Three Finger Salute

The sign is made by grasping your sinister pinky with your thumb, kissing the three erect fingers and raising them. I prefer the clenched right fist salute of The Internationale which represents the authentic voice of the working class and not some Hollywood construct but I’ll take what I can get, I’m a pragmatist. Besides, …

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