Tag: ek Politics

Fake Populism

Rule #1 about Populism- It is Popular. Rule #2 about Populism- There is no Rule #2. It is an incontrovertible fact that nearly 3 Million more U.S. citizens voted for Hillary Clinton than The Donald which makes her more popular, right? It is equally true that Trump won the smallest Electoral College margin in recent …

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So you want Cory Booker?

Next to Chuck Schumer and Diane Feinstein it’s arguable that the Democrat who most carries the New Democrat/DLC/Blue Dog Neo Liberal banner is Cory Booker, much floated by the equally Neo Liberal Legacy Media and D.C. Versailles Villagers as a potential presidential contender in 2020. Because, frankly, he’s African-American and they think a “Black” candidate …

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My Personal Echo Chamber

The most gratifying thing about writing, especially out here on the fringes of Stars Hollow, is when your themes get picked up by people who have a little more personal credibility than you do. I decided very early in my career to eshew any claim to authority and post pseudonymously, relying instead on my ability …

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Eh, not so much.

There are some who consider Barack Obama a “progressive”. Well, it depends on what the word “is” means. I gladly admit that in 2008 I voted for him, both Primary and General, because I was under the impression that he was more liberal than Hillary and better than John McCain. I may have been mistaken …

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Golden Showers

This is a site by adults, for adults so you’ll forgive me if I make clinically explicit what a “golden shower” is. It’s the act of having someone urinate on you for sexual gratification. I don’t pass moral judgement on people for their sexual practices and all I’ll say about mine is that even conventional, …

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Chuck Grassley is not entirely wrong all the time even though he’s a Republican from Iowa (see, I can be bi-partisany). He’s quite correct about The History Channel which is nothing more than another reality show network at this point (love The Curse of Oak Island by the way). Small islands aside I have little …

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Ethical Tech

So you know I’m a computer tech, right? I mean I’ve been public enough about it. Computers (and phones which are now mini hand-held computers) are incredibly personal, especially so when you are suddenly interrupted and don’t get the chance to cover your tracks. That you have a fetish for feet or period porn is …

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Feckless Democrats

Among the people I refuse to believe anymore are the Institutional Democratic Party. Are you serious that The Donald represents creeping Fascism (I personally think he does) or not? To put it the way Melody Pond would, “You have a Time Machine and I have a gun. What the heck- let’s kill Hitler.” You are …

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Your Legacy Media

Funny because it’s true. Oh, and it’s also from Reuters which is kind of the British CNBC/WSJ/Bloomberg. Reading news in the age of Trump? Think like a spy. By Peter Van Buren, Reuters Thurday Jan 5, 2017 President-elect Donald Trump is clearly antagonistic toward the mainstream media. That attitude is unlikely to change after Inauguration …

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Pump and Dump

So I’ve been reading and hearing all kinds of dire predictions about rising Gas prices and it’s totally ridiculous. Any rise is just fatter monopolistic margins for Global Carbon Extraction Companies (which, of course, are always the beneficiaries of every dollar spent). Point the first, if we suddenly shut off the taps tomorrow, I mean …

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