Tag: ek Politics

Marley was dead.

Marley was dead: to begin with.  There is no doubt whatever about that.  The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner.  Scrooge signed it: and Scrooge’s name was good upon ‘Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to.  Old Marley was as dead …

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Fake News: Part 4

While admittedly some Internet posts deserve the term “Fake News” and many fantasies of the Legacy Media likewise, the phenomena I am addressing in these pieces is the tendency to label anything that does not conform to Neo Liberal Establishment norms- “Fake News”. Ed Schultz, liberal talk radio icon, got fired by MSNBC for being …

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Such A (Neo)Liberal!

Before you head for the Northern Border because they have the young, pretty, and (Neo)Liberal Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister, you ought to give it a closer look. Trudeau Touts Trump’s Support for KXL, Sparking Fears of Pipeline Resurrection by Nika Knight, Common Dream Wednesday, December 21, 2016 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau touted U.S. President-elect …

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Joltin’ Joe

While we wait for Herr Doktor Professor to regain his focus after the election (as Lambert Strether noted today, he, like many, seems focused on events not under his control to the exclusion of things that were) I don’t want you to feel we’ve run out of real Economists (as opposed to Chicago School Shamen), …

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Fake News: Part 3

I draw your attention to this piece not to criticize Hillary Clinton or her campaign, or because it’s utterly impossible that Russia or Russian actors, with or without the personal direction of Vladimir Putin, were behind the public release of the Democratic National Committee’s and John Podesta’s emails (I will point out that the emails …

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Zombie Economic Policy- Kill It With Fire!

One thing that’s important to understand is that the Neo Liberal Establishment is- All about taking wealth from the Working Classes and distributing it to the richest 10% Anti-Democratic in pursuit of goal #1 (see above) Rinse and repeat. If there is one thing that is clear from the recent election it is that a …

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Ice Nine

Ice-nine is a fictional material that appears in Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Cat’s Cradle. Ice-nine is described as a polymorph of water which instead of melting at 0 °C (32 °F), melts at 45.8 °C (114.4 °F). When ice-nine comes into contact with liquid water below 45.8 °C (thus effectively becoming supercooled), it acts as a …

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Fake News: Part 2

The Legacy Media decries “Fake News” because they long for their lost status as “Gatekeepers”, not because they have any scruples about propagating falsehoods and propaganda even of the most Goebbels/Völkischer Beobachter sort (see Part 1). What is a “Gatekeeper”? Well, another word for it would be “Middleman”, someone who inserts themselves into a transaction …

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Fake News: Part 1

Here at DocuDharma and The Stars Hollow Gazette we have the deepest respect for our readers and only publish the most vile and scurrilous rumors which we very helpfully label for you so you can quickly sully your social media accounts with our lies, propaganda, and disinformation. Please tell all your friends because we desperately …

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Uncanny Valley

While I try to keep up I was unaware until recently that a disturbing trend I had noticed actually had a name and I was not alone in my perceptions. It is almost possible (but not quite) using Computer-generated Imagery (CGI) to duplicate human actors’ performances in ways that are not immediately apparent. Consider the …

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