Tag: ek Politics

The Front Page Poem

As the resident Gilmore Geek you can imagine my dismay at this scurrilous and unwarranted attack in the Atlantic. The Stars Hollow Gazette is not the New York Times. The Stars Hollow Gazette is not the Hartford Courant. Of course not and even to be mentioned in comparison with those stenographic parrots of the Neoliberal …

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Math Problems

One problem people have with Economics is understanding ‘future math’ and by that I mean how decisions today effect outcomes at some specified (or not so much) time yet to come. One way this concept is used to lie to you is to increase your perception of present costs by aggregating cumulative costs over time. …

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The Green Party Is Good For Something

Have I mentioned I’ve stood for representative election? Locals get a certain number of votes based on their enrolled membership but they don’t have to muster their entire roster at election time and in other bodies like the Executive Committee get only a fixed number of votes regardless of whether the have 600 members or …

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A Man, A Plan, A Canal

Did you know my Great Grandfather worked on the Panama Canal? Not anything glamorous like blasting or running a steam shovel. Nah, he worked in the payroll office passing out checks. One of the things they’d do as they arrived was throw their (Panama of course) hat off the boat when they arrive to symbolize …

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Tequila and Skee Ball

And Alanis, Alan, Jay and Silent Bob, Chris Rock, and George Carlin. Also Janeane Garofalo, Salma Hayek, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Linda Fiorentino The Voice of God Herself (close your ears or you brain will explode).

“You know, fiction.”

Media Stars Agree to Off-the-Record Meeting With Trump, Break Agreement, Whine About Mistreatment by Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept November 22 2016, 7:26 a.m. A glittering array of media stars and network executives made pilgrimage on Monday to the 25th floor of Trump Tower to meet with the president-elect. They all agreed that the discussions would …

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Safety Pins and Yellow Stars

For years and years I’ve been ‘out’ about my Danish ancestry (grandson of an immigrant, the rest mostly German/English as befits someone born in Michigan) because I thought being a Pirate was pretty cool (Arrgh) and I don’t want to defend the fact that I’m whiter than white, though following the “one drop” principle I’m …

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The ‘Normalization’ Agenda

Like the Frog in the Kettle change is all around you, happening at a bewildering rate and yet too slowly to notice. The last 40 years doesn’t seem much to me, yet it’s a quarter of my life and all the time the pot has been getting hotter and hotter. The instinct of the Establishment …

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Grammar: Figuratively v. Literally

We have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in America and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the …

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Y’all Might Be An Anti-Semite If…

You can’t possibly be an anti-Semite because you went to Harvard Business School, and the London School of Economics, and were a Managing Partner of Goldman Sachs. Those places are just lousy with Jews and we all know about Jews and money, amiright? Your biggest problem with your kid’s school is that it’s a converted …

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